Ise R is a digital magazine positioned, not only for its successful opening and promotion of Uruguayan bands, if not for the internationalization and inclusion of metal clusters within the global icons.
journalistic work displayed in his five years of existence endorse this magazine as a model to emulate, because not only is simple information gathering, but it exists and persists due to form conjugation between informing readers that thanks to the support of the middle are thousands.
Jorge Patacas is the editor and mastermind of Rise, a reporter found metalheads useful knowledge and his love of reading fanzines and magazines, so from his native Uruguay we contact to learn more about this important zine which has already exceeded its twenty number. Rise
has become one of the means of global recognition and representative of Uruguay, thanks to digital media and journalism metalhead when appropriate and to determine the needs created this media?
RISE! born in mid 2005, at a time when the dissemination of gender in the different media of the country was very poor. Arises from the need to keep the public informed about everything that happens in it has to do with metal nationally and internationally, through reports, interviews, reviews records, reviews of shows and more. In the beginning the idea was that each subscribe to the mailing list to receive information by e-mail attachment, because in that moment RISE! did not have a website where you host the content. Later this concept was changing. Based on hours and hours of dedication, I started to make more contacts around the world with bands, record labels, concert promoters and press agents, so you were getting as many interviews, and at the same time began to increase shows the number of local bands, and gradually also visited by international bands began to be higher, so it became necessary to have a better presentation, better format, beginning with the improved design, and adding a cover and to give greater digital magazine concept. It also created a website where anyone from anywhere in the world not just download all the issues, but stay informed with the latest updates on concert dates, new releases and other developments that happen in the time between an edit and another. From the beginning, the mentality was always grow, evolve, bet more, give one's best for that to happen, as this is possible of course, and unfortunately neither I nor the rest of the staff live on this, but we have other activities.
metalhead Being a journalist is not a question of proposing it is also constant training and what is working your background in journalism and what do you think is the contribution of your e-zine?
many years ago, when I first started listening to rock and then more specifically metal, not just listen to the records I loved the bands I liked, but always had an interest to learn more about them, read their biography, interviews, meet their discography, videography and all kinds of related information. He could spend hours reading music magazines, read them from beginning to end, even if there were items of bands that did not know, read them, I reported on them and then listen. I always had this interest in discovering bands and stay informed about everything that was emerging. Even before all that, as a child playing make radio programs, perhaps it could explain that as a teenager, when I read all these magazines, I thought "What good would one day have a media own. " But at that moment I saw him far, did not feel sufficiently trained to carry out, and the internet was not what it is today, there was "exploited" still part of the world, so did not think the idea of digital media, but traditional.
years later things changed, I felt more able to start the project after several years of listening, investigating and reporting on hundreds of bands, albums, etc., And also internet was already part of everyday life people, so I felt it was the right time to finally have a media and digital out. The
idea that emerged is a digital medium for various reasons, one of them was that while there were already several metal magazines dedicated to digital around the world, here in Uruguay had not yet been explored in the same way this mode. The contribution of RISE! is that it enables anyone to both Uruguay and all over the world can access information completely free of charge and get the latest news. Local audiences may also check the bulletin board shows the site to see what local bands will be performing live or what we will be visiting international bands. I also think it brings to local bands, because in this way can spread and expand both locally and internationally. Rise
has digital as a great ally just how necessary it is to access and play a metalhead digital journalism today?
In the era we are living, where the Internet plays an important role, it is essential that there is digital media to keep people updated. For example, confirms a date for a show, and is published in the bulletin, so perhaps a person enters that section of the site in the morning and then enter at night and there is already a new date. Same with any significant developments to emerge, allowing the possibility of publishing the news instantly. This method grew even more with the arrival of social networks and the popularity they have taken. RISE! also has its sites on different social networks and provide even more information instantly.

Jorge Patacas with Schmier from Destruction
Many fanzines, zines and magazines (and this beyond the labels that have) have fallen into error simply to inform and not to form what are your thoughts on this?
A publication should fulfill both roles, because on one side are those readers who are really tucked into the scene, who know and want to learn about the last thing you are doing your favorite bands, but those readers may find a band that did not know and learn about its history through an article. It is also likely that among the readers there are those who just need to know the gender and other known data. Our idea is to look at both cases, make a balance between informing and shaping.
Being behind a medium of communication, especially when held in the underground line, profit does not how you hold your magazine and what purposes beyond the economic sphere are in it? Clearly
so as you say, even loss-usually when it comes to economics, the only way to arrive to take profits or at least be able to "draw" over the investment, is through advertising, but the lack of number of advertisers has not achieved that yet. It would be nice to contact some more interested in advertising, and would definitely benefit both parties.
What motivates this move forward in any way is first that you feel for this style of music, the meaning in one's life, the fact that in the best and worst moments of life , a subject of some band has been there, and to share this information by those who feel the music in the same way, and receive a positive response for the work you do with such dedication is something priceless.
Then there are all the opportunities to engage in this, make many contacts around the world, make a link between gangs and the organizers of shows, to meet and interview some of your favorite bands, to give opportunity for new bands, have access backstage at shows, disseminate and make your "bit" so that the scene remains strong, all unique things that mean so much to each other emotionally.
What the most ideal characteristics, from your perspective, that a journalist must have metalhead?
first knowing what is going to pass, and I say this because anyone may want to write about gender, but if you do not have a consistent knowledge, is likely to pass any incorrect or inaccurate information. This also requires time for research, to learn, to know.
is also important to be able to express, because you can love metal and have a broad knowledge of the genre, but if you have no idea how to pass, it will not be able to move forward half, though one has the best intentions .
Another feature ideal from my point of view is to make the task more professionally as possible, doing everything that is available to one for that to happen, and therefore achieve a better result in the quality of content and the reader response.
Do you think that Latin American metaleras magazines have exploited the full potential of their country music?
Overall I think that each one supports the scene of their country on their way, spreading their bands through interviews or reviews of their albums and concerts, including biographies of the band, spreading their dates, or in some cases even magazine editors organized dates as well. It is very important for local country band that specialized media give them the space they need to be released or attached, either national or international level. Obviously transcend internationally has never been so easy for a Latin American band, but that does not depend exclusively on the work that can make the media, but there are many other actors involved, from the very way to work in the band, their management task, the diffusion through the network, the label that may hire them, and the actual musical quality of the band of course.
Many magazines worldwide metaleras 100% do not explode from the original journalistic genres and follow the same outline how cherish this point?
From my point of view, which follow the same pattern comes from the fact that this scheme or formula that have worked in major magazines worldwide. If we move for a moment to what is strictly musical, today happens to many bands limit themselves to imitate the formula of the band that influenced them, but there are others who take influence from a band or a certain style, and you stick your personal touch, creating a particular style from there. The same is true of magazines, some in the style of the most successful magazines at the foot of the letter, but others combine it with a touch of originality. Either way I think the main difference between the journals is the focus of each, some with a more serious, other, more informal, there is everything in that direction, and very good material in each cases.
In our case, I think originality comes from the side of some sections such as "Dark Genesis" which is a section where the strips themselves reveal the origin of its name, its meaning or the situation in which were at when choosing a name, while the more traditional scheme is represented in the interviews and reviews of albums and shows, I think are basic sections in any magazine and what people usually look at them.
How important is the socialization of journalists with producers, bands and organizers of concerts?
A: It is extremely important and essential to keep in touch with producers, bands, concert organizers and everyone involved in the scene, as only in this way the media can better carry out their task to make known to the readers the information they need. A news agency, management, record label or in some cases the gang members themselves, are sending their latest innovations to be disseminated. To an interview is to be in contact with them too. A record label may send their latest releases to the environment and make reviews and buzz around a record. Event organizers also send your dates and means of spreading, then goes to cover the event. Is constant contact.
One of the major problems for tens of metalheads media is the lack of continuity editing how often Rise?
That is something that unfortunately also affects RISE!, Because as I said earlier, none of which live in the magazine wrote that, all study or work too, and in some cases do both activities, which is sometimes very complicated the issue of time, simply by the fact that the holidays were over 24 hours.
As you know, our publications are formatted in PDF magazine with the cover and all content. All this is hard work and the theme of the times to which I referred to earlier, makes for a new edition in this format every four or five months, although in some cases has been delayed a bit more. But to offset these delays, we have the web site in which besides being hosted editions for download, we compiled all the news emerging in the world of metal, important announcements, dates of shows, and some reviews, so that the website remains current and can be visited at any time, there is always something new.
For now is all George, thanks for your time and proceed with Rise. If you want to add something more to this dialogue forward. Alexis
Thank you for this interview, and your continued interest and support!. And for readers unfamiliar with RISE! Moreover, we invite you to know in www.risemetal.com A big hug to everyone from Uruguay!
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