The Ecuadorian metalheads sure we can continue whenever there are new bands representing our country, this is the case Black Tears, an interesting group of black doom that we knew nothing, but thanks to the direct contact of bassist vocalist we have followed closely.
Dani Mendez has been through we could know more about this band, who, from the United States have not only successfully presented its proposal to the Latino community, but it has carved out a gringo audience, and this wide band and is an indication that we have chosen the right path.
Black Tears "is in the right place at the right time to stay and represent the Ecuador metalhead?
As you Alexis, thank you very much for the interview, well the truth is that the band has had its ups and downs especially when it started, but these changes of members and styles we became stronger and more stable, we are in a country where cultural diversity is varied and it helps us to hear our music to different musical perceptions, this is a good time, people here and support us in our country, that's very gratifying for us, and we are always part of the movement Ecuador metalhead ...

Tell us a little about the lyrical concept of the band, the focus from the doom or black?
concept lyric of the band is not singing to most if not hatred, pain, anger, a false religion in order once something we all feel, all this combined with loud and after dark ... our base is the black and doom but we have many influences of the global metal shed. What
found in the doom-black fusion to assume as genres channeling his work?
For many, the fusion of black and doom results in the dark, the same fusion has helped us to get something that at this point is very difficult: a unique sound, we can channel people in the genre that they see fit.
What doors will opened after the departure of Eternal Darkness demo on me?
Well the demo itself has helped us to let us know in places like Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Spain and our country: Ecuador. We had the opportunity to go through Angelica Ponce SENKRADA first metal magazine in English in NY, and thanks to Caprino has given us the opportunity to promote our songs on your radio online the 7 shades of metal, also through your magazine, would be the first interview by a metal zine from Ecuador, but we did an online newspaper in the city of Cuenca.
In Rotten actually feel the heavy influence of substance why is that?
is one of the first songs of Balck Tears, the musicalization would like to remember our beginnings, as almost all once we started doing heavy metal, and mixed with our style sounds a little different.
How do you move the Latino community especially metalera and Ecuador in the U.S.?
The Latin metal community here is top notch, very supportive of their own and attend the concerts and Ecuador is no exception, always supporting, always clear that there is one other son of a bitch who thinks that no band ever America will be overcome, but they cover only fighting the mouths of these idiots.
How has it gone so far as to promote the band, contact with zines, concert organizers, record companies, etc..?
The promotion of the band is well under way, provided we are calling for concerts, as I said the first zine to support us 100 percent has been SENKRADA. Chicago organizers are also interested in our band, Marfuz is the second magazine has shown its support and the first to get us to light in Ecuador. We have no record signing still expect some very soon.
I know that the U.S. metal community (or part thereof) has accepted without prejudice by how advanced the level of the band on earth gringa?
has been a great surprise for us to know that people everywhere support you in this country especially after the first concert we gave in Brooklyn with American bands (being the only Latinos there and singing in English) people began to move the head with us to form a mosh brutal and finally a handshake congratulating play there, since then we call our music, we invite their shows, and all part of establishing good friendships. We are just at the first step with the American metal community but they give us their support and is easier to climb.
What's next for 2011, perhaps the official album, participate in a Split or ep, you may schedule a tour in Ecuador to raise awareness of the potential of the band live?
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe band for this year is our first CD recording, promotion to the maximum, and have given much thought to know more about our music in Ecuador, also in parts of Latin America where they hear our songs and give us your support and good vibes in the distance. Forward
Black Tears and not falter in its creative purpose closure " is to argue any topic you left out?
Many thanks to you and the people who support the band. Value what ours is the only way to move forward without prejudice or distinction, we hope to see you soon. Darkness forever!
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