Murder is a band Ecuadorian representative technical death metal scene since its end, which since its first album has demonstrated quality and talent in each of his creations. Thanks to his record
representative Harmony Inc. we training this interesting interview, well ahead of the process and out of his next work, we offer a chair is needed for all those readers and especially bands that have yet to understand the complex development beyond the underground. Greetings
Murder, what the band is currently working projects?
first receive a cordial greeting to all who make it possible to see the light Hecatombe City, also for those fans that this band of brutal death metal has. "Murder" for this 2011 is working on the release of their third album material which bears the name "Decrepit World", the same will to hangers for the first week of July this year.

Will the new topics that are working are the same subject line and ended their first album?
The truth is that if and not contradictory to understand what may be the answer but the truth is that you first training today has the band is much more technical musically - this alignment has among its members students Mozart , BMI and even one member has a minor in classical and flamenco guitar - In this new album the band maintains its origins but we have seen the need to search for new trends that foreign bands have nowadays. Music can not remain static like everything, we flow with the currents that keep the end in both Europe and USA, becoming ever more and better musicians who "Murder" is to study, so experiment until you get the sound characteristic of the new extreme metal. Musically the band
experience in this new album, dissonance, harmonic resolutions, tonal modes, as these are accompanied by setbacks generated the percussive, tearing melodies and a number of details that we can not advance. Dying
has been a revelation and contribution in the field of contemporary Ecuadorean death metal What opportunities have been given this first album?
Thanks for the compliment, "Dying" was an album that paved the way domestically and internationally, we had the opportunity to let us know through reviews of zines and magazines South American, European and even in Indonesia, receiving a acceptance far exceeded the expectations we had for the same. For this new album thanks to the work of "Murder" with our album "Dying", today we are in negotiations with a renowned producer of a northern hemisphere country, which like we are not giving them the power to know for now.
As a band and how artists take on the subject of death?
"Murder" is conceptualized by its music, lyrics and image from a discursive structure that is based on the murder as a crime scene, thus contextualizing it within a sick society, in which all suffer from mental psychopathy, the they can get to trigger the most evil instincts inherent in the, which we are a product of the discrediting of socio-cultural values \u200b\u200bof humanity.
What type of organization (logistics and contacts) manages the band beyond the stage?
When giving a presentation is in a bar or a huge event, we have taken the slogan as a fan that we all deserve respect and that provide the same performance, is for twenty to three thousand people. Why he moved all accessories for the percussionist, also of two to three guitars for different tunings every guitarist must use for filing, a bass and everything relating to microphones, pedals and other related areas, with the aim of presenting a show that our fans deserve it.
From your experience how important is to have an advocate to help them visualize your work?
The truth is quite important to have someone to look at the matter objectively outside the band, because when we are actually members we engage in by seeing things from a broader subject would not have that ability to perceive. Not long ago one of our members told us that in a class called "Music Business" had been advised that the most important in this industry was having a promoter that is first in your full confidence and that in turn engages hundred percent on everything the band even more than its members the same, as this is one more member.
For those who are starting in this industry, take every opportunity that life gives them and remember that everyone there is a possible promoter that can make them grow, know that some will be more easily than others, but the music is a process if you fall a thousand times those thousand times you get up and move on, just so you can thrive in a race as difficult as this.
Y, concatenated to the previous question, since the work for a band goes Beyond the musical establishment (in contexts like ours where musicians should be todólogos) is not it necessary that someone is behind the communication channels that now predominate: myspace, facebook, twitter, blogs, youtube, etc.., reporting followers?
Today in music have appeared many new concepts such as webcasting, podcastig, music downloads, video Budgets, just to name a few, concepts that unfortunately in our environment remains a taboo. In some of the so called first world countries those bands that are called garage bands have a technical deployment would be the envy of many South American bands, such as ours, these garage bands have: Manager, Business Manager, Booking Manager, Road manager and those who no longer belong to the garage, have additionally a Lawyer Entretainment, this is just a taste of what it means elsewhere promoter. The management of social networks is only one step to reach the main objective should be to sign with a major label. About four years ago in an interview with one of the top executives of Sony, the hallmark of AC / DC, Paradise Lost, Opeth, Ozzy Osbourne, Europe, Slayer, Lamb of God, among others. This provided a very valuable statement from my point of view, here indicated that a record label today (Of course, I refer to that time) the most important thing for a garage band was the management of their social networks, the greater number of followers had in myspace, best chance for a monster like this is fixed in the same, that was his way of doing a market study to be a guideline for the acceptance that the public might have to with it.
"Murder" is in the process, we know that it is quite long, but we are not discouraged, because people's consciousness would say "if you you got to this, the only thing left is to fight and endure."

What is the assessment of 2010 from the perspective of the band, concerts, good and bad times, events affecting collective or individual members, half goals to accomplish?
The two thousand and ten we left good and bad experiences, we've all had the opportunity to get an education. We signed with our representatives Harmony Inc. We concerts such as Rock Week 2010, San Antonio Rock, Metal Fest Aloag to mention a few events where we shared our best to our fans and detractors.
The bad part of 2010 has been to many concerts could not be, in Cuenca, to name a presentation, the authorities gave a hunt witch for events of mass concentration, but above all gave a fierce persecution of being canceled for three consecutive presentations of "Murder" in the Athens of Ecuador. For another look at many events, still does not meet the backline that the band sent out in advance, it is clear that I do not blame the organizers or anything, "Murder" supports all event conducted under the national metal movement, in many circumstances, the organizers can not recover the investment made for lack of viewers, not only widespread problem in our country, this disease afflicts nearly all South American countries in which I have had the visit. The problem regarding the events occur or fail to reach the technical requirements are not met is because lack of awareness in many of the followers of the movement who prefer to spend all your money and wait to be the portaso before support people who make it possible for bands to provide music.
What to expect loyal to Murder and the media for this 2011? We hope
aware bands to stop feeling that the concerts are a battle of who is better than others. For our audience, thank you very much for taking your time to read this interview, thank you very much for supporting the year past, we hope that 2011 can join both events we hope to have, as well as supporting us with our new material, it will come with many surprises and extra material. And above all, thank you very much to know and understand that we make music for you and what you owe us only to you.
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