Journalists and rock journalism is a job for real music lovers seeking more than the professional economic satisfaction, because from the alternative media and underground write the history of each movement of a city province and country. It is at this stage that the rock magazines have an important role: to disseminate and promote the bands that make up the different scenes metaleras rock.
Metalhouse is a magazine published in 2009, half from his native Peru that offers unconditional support to many bands locally, nationally and internationally as required. We managed to contact your editor, journalist Wilson Muguerza to know more about his zine and especially make its assessment as a communicator rocker. Enjoy this dialogue as much as we have done.
Wilson, just out Metalhouse # 4, a magazine that I think is a reference within the Peruvian extreme metal (without prejudice to older media and already positioned in Latin America) and that history will recognize as such, how the spaces are distributed and what has come out in recent months?
Hi Alexis! Thanks for this space on behalf of MetalHouse Fanzine. The idea is that, fanzine position as the most consistent of Northern Peru, taking advantage of such publications is scarce in these lands from Nuevo Chimbote to Tumbes. MetalHouse 4 is available only for trading (TRADE) with people working in the underground: zines, label, bands, concert producer and real metalheads who are in contact with us right now. This latest edition officially out for the tour Destroying WITOUTH Southamerican MERCY TOUR 2010-2011 Colombians Lucifera Antemotem and they are in cities of Peru and Ecuador, fell sorry for them dates Bolivia extra for last-minute problems.

rocker Being a journalist is not a question of proposing it is also constant work training and what is your background in journalism and what do you think is the contribution of your zine?
I am a graphic designer ... I studied it in 2004 with the vision to make a fanzine to reflect the local bands he knew and were doing a good job. That was not enough and soon took Marketing studies while studying classical philosophy in a school, I enrolled in 4 parallel courses of drawing, painting, screen printing and related for about 2 years from 2007 to 2009, trips that are part of my life, the advice of friends and read many fanzines communicators to focus on is really my biggest training. I think there are several forms of contribution, one is the diffusion of metal bands and historical documentation of their art, that is the main one is that I learn, helps me understand and relate to mystical wisdom, it amuses me so is recommended therapy. And one more focused on my philosophical view of the matter is the transmission of the current wisdom is that these sites as part of a growing culture that has been mixed with the lifestyle of the northern coast of Peru.
Metalhouse has digital as a great ally, and much of the material in each of its editions were published in advance on the web, so what is so necessary to exercise access and digital journalism today metalhead ?
If it is true, we use social networking channels to promote the metal bands that are working with us on every issue. Previously published web first, then printed out, now is the contrary to promote the exchange during the start of the zine, once the printed edition is exhausted is published in PDF for free download so everyone can have access to the information collected, although this may change if information needs to be released now. It is very important because the digital part is the tool for more coverage and achievements is leaving us.
Many fanzines, zines and magazines (and this beyond the labels that have) have fallen into error, rather than simply report be what you think about this?
ourselves in that sense we are evolving and complementing each edition, the idea is to have wider spaces to offer not only interviews, reviews of material, etc. But also items related to the wider culture metalera. For now we decided to work with producers of concerts, Label, fanzines and bands to point directly where they can buy their records, tapes, fanzines or find a date in a particular city, Metalhouse is a contacts list. We aspire to be a professional magazine in the not too distant future.
Being behind a medium of communication, especially when held in the underground line, it makes a profit how you hold your magazine and what purposes beyond economics are there?
Metalhouse Fanzine is supported by myself working as a professor of advertising graphic design in my own city. My other personality is to be THE RITE Productions, sparing no employment consequences all my energy to create each issue, this means that travel to other cities to make contacts, review dates, the work itself to launch the printed zine, mailing and keep the site running on my own. The greatest satisfaction is the answer and confidence of the loyal metalheads who come into contact for TRADE, submit their works for review, interviews, etc. We are just beginning, good comments from people who know enough to keep our fire burning.
What are the most ideal characteristics that a journalist must have metalhead?
Personally I think the investigation that the journalist does, the approach which would give then a large vocabulary helps define much impact it will have on readers, at least for me. Of course that objectivity should prevail, to be aware that underground bands make an effort to produce his music and we highlight this work is, minimizing critical destructive unless you really require tough ha ha. The journalist should tell from the scene of action, either a live concert, a personal conversation in real time, etc.. Not simply use the web.
Do you think that Latin American metaleras magazines have exploited the full potential of their country music from its media?
No. I've noticed that most magazines have evolved to work with bigger bands outside their borders, so getting an interview with a consolidated metal band is more important to do it with a local band just starting, is a matter of each person, I'm interested in bands subways, under, creeks, unknown but the common point should be your desire to work.
Personally I get bored a lot of magazines worldwide metaleras rock because they exploit the 100% originality from the journalistic genres and instead follow the same outline how cherish this point?
is something that I too am bored. Have a repetitive magazine is not a good formula for survival. In my case I enjoy reading all kinds of zines and collect them, I learn a lot and take highlights from each zine to give my own idealistic vision clearly influenced by the fanzines trujillanos I acquired in the late 90's. These fanzines that influenced me were made by a team of people ready to have a note there is a job well done in the way, is what we are doing with Metalhouse.

How important is the socialization between journalists and producers, bands and organizers of concerts?
in my case is very important and in this short but incisive lifetime I'm making friends with these people who work for the local metal, Latin American or world and the result is an organized scene. As we all know now is that we can plan a better strategy for promoting events, launching a production, promote their respective jobs, specify a date for playing live, etc. So ensure that culture is reproduced and its fruits on the people who appreciate art. Create a new awareness that goes beyond the mental barriers of society is the voice, I was in other countries before and seen that this is true.
metalhead journalism is a work of continuity and love of music, thanks for this dialogue forward Metalhouse.
AAARRRGGGHHH! Thank you comrade! By fixing your attention on our young fanzine. Metalhouse be here for a long time, the acceptance of our art has been consolidated with our former local precursors. We are damned beings who do not know how to do something other than of being immersed in the metal scene. The goal is to be ourselves without the time to wear our essence.
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