Argoth is a progressive metal band from Portoviejo (in Manabi) for those who have seen them live know that the band is taking things seriously, each one of their shows is a total surrender to his followers (who ever growing).
Beyond being the only band in this genre Manabi, weigh the fact of being comprised of musicians from bands positioned within the national metal scene: Legion and Agony between them. Just
in 2010 released their first demo with three new songs, songs that have been favorably received by both the composition and lyrics that show a rebellious spirit from historical figures like Che Guevara (see discussion of the topic justice and revolution ) and the same Eloy Alfaro.
We had a brief discussion with four of its members (Jorge García, Diego jumps, Iván Benavides and Eladio Vera) to learn more about this new proposal Ecuador.
is an honor to be able to initiate this dialogue, to date, the only progressive metal band manabita how have you been? First
thank you very much for inviting me to this blog, on the other hand, the metal scene in Manabi has been growing recently and we are honored.
would lead to ask for explanations of the musical level of its members when the scene has been shown that this is a solid, creative professional and above all what are the plans for this 2011?
Regarding musical level always try to improve in terms of projects we are working on what will be our first album I hope to have it ready by mid of this year without leaving their live performances.
Last year, surprised many with their 2010 demo how they have done with this job? Have achieved the objectives?
The goal of DEMO 2010 was to announce the new album from the band and of course the new members with what we've consolidated ARGOTH, fortunately we had the pleasure and acceptance of the Metal scene in mainly Manabi Portoviejo. The demo
2010 strikes me justice and revolution, a theme based on the life of Che Guevara guerrilla who is responsible for the lyrical concept? Do you think need inspiration or have sought global icons in the native, such as Alfaro?
The head of the lyrical concept of DEMO 2010 is Eladio Vera (vocals).
The inspiration comes from those characters who changed history with their ideals and today we are proud, and so was born the song ¨ ¨ Fighting to the end inspired by Alfaro.
Is not it a problem that is made up of musicians Argoth also members of other bands: Jorge Garcia (drums Legion) Diego Jumps (drums Agony) Ivan Benavides (220)?
's really inconvenient, but we strive to ARGOTH and bands that are always played well with the commitments to fulfill.
Manabi is known within the musical ability of Jorge Garcia, in the unlikely event that left the band do you believe, all other members, able to cope with Argoth?
Jorge Garcia is a fundamental part of the band due to their potential and genius in the composition and lose the essence that the band started.
admit that I like are the band that has left behind the cliché to play only covers, but how important is the complementarity of foreign issues in each presentation?
Because we do not have as extensive unpublished material Moreover, we feel the need to resort to the subjects of our influential bands, but still always good to pay tribute to those who directly have inspired us to follow.
For Argoth timing is everything, what is the message to his followers and those who know them first?
Thank you for the interview, we appreciate the support from this space. To all our supporters to be vigilant with our projects come and follow us through our pages, whether in the myspace or facebook or hotmail, argoth_ecuador@hotmail.com
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