lost image (CEC, 2010) brings together a multidisciplinary visual work Ordonez Pedro Herrera , an Ecuadorian artist whose work has achieved international recognition.
neat and attractive for this edition (catalog and stunning live shows Herrera's work) provide several writers in the country, those who have dedicated themselves to the analysis of plastic through which she has developed a literary imagination (I refer to Workshop light work of Diego Velasco) capable of representing surreal puzzles that this operator proposes.
is an amazing journey, complex and subjective in others, where reality is just a reference to which the viewer looks, because Herrera's creations delve into the chimerical, impossible and arcane.
If you only have met with Herrera's work from book covers (in Quito several authors have paid tribute in this way) is the time to look at this artist every time you try to break the rules laid down in the plastic.

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