From 1960 in a 2011 Peter
official entrance of the theater bar 1960, which is expected to become the new cultural and Manta rocker
It's 21h40 on Saturday 19. It is the fifth time that Eric takes out his phone to see the time and remember the backlog that keeps us out of the theater bar, 1960, pending the concert organized by the newly formed metallers Manta.
not know 80% of the public who have entered the establishment. Maybe it's a good sign, maybe the rock movement Local is growing and this is the evidence, may be rocker is "in" (because many young girls have arrived to chant drills, jumping - dance a mosh? - and drinking) and not be social marginalization within small groups friends.
One of the organizers invited us to go, five, four, three or two minutes the first band will be playing. We enter, then we left (non-smoking someone tells us) we sat on the patio, look carefully the theater-bistro-cafe-bar, its details, it's childish, so not suitable for extreme metal concert ( which is not the case.) Without cigarettes, turn to enter, this time to give us sixties has the charm that overflows from the walls. It's hot, well, we settled near the bar, ordered a Pilsner, we are scared by their price, especially when their size is not what we expected. Drink with a penalty, in small sips, as we approach the stage where Leviathan starts ringing.
Erick with his "unforgettable" beer.
Three covers and Erick is near my right ear: "You should play
past and apologize to the public. Someone should turn the microphone off the guitarist from the first issue comes spoiling the job to the singer.
would be fitting, I say, but the band is starting, and maturity stage may be reached soon, but with work and too much. True, the guitarist does not provide the vocals, this tune too and deducts points for the band. I have a better excuse: they are jovensísimos have been thrown into the ring soon, and criticism, the public, more experienced bands, do not forgive.
"Never, until tonight, had heard a version so hopeless and anti Metallica Master of puppets, I say Erick again, this time from the left ear.
I'm about to prove him right, but my job is to reconcile and do not break, so I swallow my bias-taste and let you talk to the journalist, the analysis of costs:
"It's a personalized way to play Metallica, as they have done with AC / DC. I argue that the band with more trials can attain an average level, their lead guitarist denotes a raw talent, his desire drummer, bassist concentration, the other guitarist a vocalist of enthusiasm and energy. It's true: to all who need more development, achieving a connection with the public (beyond the simple jump from friends) that their music-covers for now, but not always, implicitly convey that emotional attachment and rock rebel.
Two moments of the presentation of Leviathan.
23:00 o'clock, Erick has dropped his phone sixth and last time. We made our way to the public that filled the space in 1960. Leviathan is back with more covers delighting their friends. We should stay, watch the presentation of Réplika (seconds to take the stage) but we know his work, quality and connection to the public: all the elements that a band mature and applied to the work of music must have to excel. So we left, we move up the street 13. We stopped two taxis and each takes different directions, until a new call again we find, in this or in another place.
Some audience