Monday, September 13, 2010

Wooden Barrel Casks For Sale



MUTATUM workers, to record conversations with their "heads" of any level management, when they get bratty, aggressive, when they threaten you or force you to do something dangerous. And above all, when you threaten or retaliate, because you want to go to the general strike.
- We all have, or we have a mobile, always bring up at work.
- If you have banned carry over into the job, never mind, bring it on, quietly and without vibration (not take any risks).
- Have it ready to tax and put in place when your "boss" is addressed to you or a group of workers.
- Most of them are bullies and dictators in bad style, not abusing it will be difficult to burn you, stealing your money or dignity.
- retains these recordings as a treasure (in the same device in the computer, a CD or USB pen drive). If you have computer or do not know how to handle audio files in any cafe, you can download with the USB cable from any of the local mobile and can help.
- Keep it or take it directly to a union (the most important in Spain are CCOO, UGT and CGT, also Inter Canaria in the Canary Islands). Give date and place of verbal aggression or threat, the name of the aggressor and the company name of the aggressor.
- MUTATUM asks for a copy in mp3 or any other data format that you consider safe for you. To MUTATUM recording is the most important because it is a clear reflection of disease status and system degradation. Will be the key to a work of conceptual art that wants to represent the domain and sadism, the power exercised by the Northern ruling class economic.
This request will remain open indefinitely
PS: When you record what your boss says, gravel dominion over you. Record, gravel what does your boss.


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