THE APPLIANCE. (The isolation)
February 29 2010, in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
This set of objects we will call unit, better still, to this set of equipment we call THE APPLIANCE. Its role is to keep water flowing through it, at the same temperature it was. At the bottom we have provided a small refrigerator (Unit No. 1) and upper heater (Unit No. 2) with a pot on top. They do circulate water through a transparent hose, and powered by two electric pumps (two machines). There are four electrical devices working in unison, consuming electricity in unison and maintain the water the same temperature it was when the unit became operational.
Cold water, hot, warm, not a metaphor for the hot media and cold media McLuhan, nothing to see. Speaking of Herbert Marshall McLuhan, the presentation of the work is an extension of the artist, how pants, a shirt or car? For many, this presentation and the image given to the other of itself, not the work, is all that matters. A luxurious finish that makes media and tell us how important the success or the artist ("Issuer" operator?), Which is integrated in the system, etc. Money, luxury, spectacle, perfect system to cover up mediocrity. Joseph Beuys
never need a perfect finish the work, exquisite finishing and presentation of the work is reserved for those who have nothing to say, nothing to contribute and luxuriously repeated.
important thing is the play, is a "medium" of the idea, the expression of what the sender-creator felt and wanted to get to the receivers. What is said may be important, the way of life that says, plenty. It's funny, but it's just what they want the political commissars of the postmodern, luxury travelers they put artists on the international art circuit and end up forgetting they have something to say, something to contribute.
February 29 2010, in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
This set of objects we will call unit, better still, to this set of equipment we call THE APPLIANCE. Its role is to keep water flowing through it, at the same temperature it was. At the bottom we have provided a small refrigerator (Unit No. 1) and upper heater (Unit No. 2) with a pot on top. They do circulate water through a transparent hose, and powered by two electric pumps (two machines). There are four electrical devices working in unison, consuming electricity in unison and maintain the water the same temperature it was when the unit became operational.
Cold water, hot, warm, not a metaphor for the hot media and cold media McLuhan, nothing to see. Speaking of Herbert Marshall McLuhan, the presentation of the work is an extension of the artist, how pants, a shirt or car? For many, this presentation and the image given to the other of itself, not the work, is all that matters. A luxurious finish that makes media and tell us how important the success or the artist ("Issuer" operator?), Which is integrated in the system, etc. Money, luxury, spectacle, perfect system to cover up mediocrity. Joseph Beuys
never need a perfect finish the work, exquisite finishing and presentation of the work is reserved for those who have nothing to say, nothing to contribute and luxuriously repeated.
important thing is the play, is a "medium" of the idea, the expression of what the sender-creator felt and wanted to get to the receivers. What is said may be important, the way of life that says, plenty. It's funny, but it's just what they want the political commissars of the postmodern, luxury travelers they put artists on the international art circuit and end up forgetting they have something to say, something to contribute.

In the apparatus, its visual aesthetic response to the role ... You really important to consider the formal aspects of the work, the realization of the idea to build, even the nuts formal matter.
addition, the appearance of the work does not serve the Northern Economic hedonism, stoicism serves the global tax (You know, the work, a means of communication).
The lack of communication between two individuals or two groups with conflicting views, repeating their own version of reality to another (not listening to the other, of course). The disinformation that is a type of special confinement and that is the information that pours one of the individuals or group with knowledge of their falsity. The submission responds to the laws of dialectics: The struggle of contrary information, one of which, processing and contrary to conventional wisdom on the whole, is having quantitative progress in the general opinion to get a qualitative change in imposing definitely. Responds to the same laws of dialectics in nature and society.
art in this game, we also talk about another possible MUTATUM intuited by law for this work: What percentage of information issued by the operator, or the reporter, comes from intense or not the receiver. MUTATUM
not know why, but suspects that the percentage of reports issued, and reaching the receiver responds to PHI, the golden number, 1.6180339. He noted that in the polls and referenda, the percentages of different opinions tend to that ratio. In two opinions, one is about 62% and the other tends to be about 38% (62 = 38 = 100/PHI 100/PHI and squared). Why do not you think that the information reaching the receiver also responds to that extent? Depending on the attractors in the above table it reaches 38% or 62% of the issued information. If a proportion that is repeated in nature and even in our body, we think that also makes in social thought and individual human beings. A curious social and economic data: One Euro = an old peseta by 100 and PHI, one Euro is equal to 166 pesetas. Why not? The game-art is funny and true.
An unwritten rule and clearly intended for journalists, is to address the readers as if they have 14 years. The state of primary education, elementary and intellectually common to most, at that age. I do not remember where I read that the Egyptian priests went through a training period of 40 years (would know all, of the divine and human, right?). Perhaps the journalists are right, there is no Egyptian priests who understand their message to 100% and should be sent to children-readers like potato-emitter (Children alienable). And between these two types of receptors, the Egyptian priests and the boy of fourteen, who are we?, What training do we have?, Do we understand fully the information we receive? Among both the deformed and the training, specialized training in production, so-called professionals, who understand the information they receive from their specialty, to assimilate other information are still 14 years. Take a clear example
Pro: Don Gilles Lipovetsky 66-year-old assistant professor of philosophy at a university in France, a member Council Analysis of the Company and Consultant Management Progress Association. He has done some analysis of the behavior of the middle classes of North Economic emerged after World War 2 and in the process of disappearing deposed call Fall of the Berlin Wall and in a constant bombardment of advertising marketing and misinformation Through the media Mass (No, sorry, Lipovetsky not know or does not want to historical processes, only analyzes the historical and geographical space in front of their noses, accepts a phenomenon, positive, simply because it exists, see social phenomena as a natural or spontaneous, never caused) Associate Professor, your professor does not understand the schematic. Will she understand the text of this document, reflecting the global stoicism imposed after the demise of the USSR? This package of art, information is difficult to understand for practitioners of 14 years, playing a game MUTATUM unprofessional called art, which tries to change the rules every time you play. Speaking
unidirectional training, professionalism and postmodernity, this month MUTATUM was presented in February 2010 as the innocent recipient ARCO to honor the memory of Clement Greenberg. Again, never before has it been so necessary the appearance of a "parallel world of art the officer. " Yes, I know, not the Reina Sofia, is purely commercial. Who cares, galleries, curators, collectors and other aromatic herbs, impose capitalist kitsch art. Hedonism, individualism, ... do you really have discovered something new postmodernists?, Do not you remember the 20's?
There is a current of postmodernism (ideological, philosophical) very important, within the party founded by Pablo Iglesias, half-hidden but not deny. Neither claim, simply do not mention his name, postmodernism. The leaders of the PSOE, who came into the party just before 82, before Felipe Gonzalez won the first elections (Law of precariousness and neutralization of trade unions), the kings of euphemism and political correctness, the "members and" the socialist party, "Are you or postmodern? speak ye not ashamed "members and members of the public with excellence." MUTATUM believed that solitary confinement pede not be avoided, misinformation and alienation, must be combated.
Was not James Gordon Brown, Zapatero's colleague, who kept as a solution to the financial crisis that the state buy shares of banks in difficulty? But little progressive!, The state can control 51% of these shares. From Downtown Underground of Modern Art (CAAM in Las Palmas), will send James Marx PSJM jeans.
Currently there is a direct relationship between economic and political power and the development permitted by the political commissars of art.
Never has been a very tight control of creation, never before has become so necessary to form a parallel world of art, parallel to the institutional and controlled world of art. Idea art remains a perfect weapon against isolation, misinformation and alignment of receivers, a perfect weapon against postmodern censorship.
addition, the appearance of the work does not serve the Northern Economic hedonism, stoicism serves the global tax (You know, the work, a means of communication).
The lack of communication between two individuals or two groups with conflicting views, repeating their own version of reality to another (not listening to the other, of course). The disinformation that is a type of special confinement and that is the information that pours one of the individuals or group with knowledge of their falsity. The submission responds to the laws of dialectics: The struggle of contrary information, one of which, processing and contrary to conventional wisdom on the whole, is having quantitative progress in the general opinion to get a qualitative change in imposing definitely. Responds to the same laws of dialectics in nature and society.
art in this game, we also talk about another possible MUTATUM intuited by law for this work: What percentage of information issued by the operator, or the reporter, comes from intense or not the receiver. MUTATUM
not know why, but suspects that the percentage of reports issued, and reaching the receiver responds to PHI, the golden number, 1.6180339. He noted that in the polls and referenda, the percentages of different opinions tend to that ratio. In two opinions, one is about 62% and the other tends to be about 38% (62 = 38 = 100/PHI 100/PHI and squared). Why do not you think that the information reaching the receiver also responds to that extent? Depending on the attractors in the above table it reaches 38% or 62% of the issued information. If a proportion that is repeated in nature and even in our body, we think that also makes in social thought and individual human beings. A curious social and economic data: One Euro = an old peseta by 100 and PHI, one Euro is equal to 166 pesetas. Why not? The game-art is funny and true.
An unwritten rule and clearly intended for journalists, is to address the readers as if they have 14 years. The state of primary education, elementary and intellectually common to most, at that age. I do not remember where I read that the Egyptian priests went through a training period of 40 years (would know all, of the divine and human, right?). Perhaps the journalists are right, there is no Egyptian priests who understand their message to 100% and should be sent to children-readers like potato-emitter (Children alienable). And between these two types of receptors, the Egyptian priests and the boy of fourteen, who are we?, What training do we have?, Do we understand fully the information we receive? Among both the deformed and the training, specialized training in production, so-called professionals, who understand the information they receive from their specialty, to assimilate other information are still 14 years. Take a clear example
Pro: Don Gilles Lipovetsky 66-year-old assistant professor of philosophy at a university in France, a member Council Analysis of the Company and Consultant Management Progress Association. He has done some analysis of the behavior of the middle classes of North Economic emerged after World War 2 and in the process of disappearing deposed call Fall of the Berlin Wall and in a constant bombardment of advertising marketing and misinformation Through the media Mass (No, sorry, Lipovetsky not know or does not want to historical processes, only analyzes the historical and geographical space in front of their noses, accepts a phenomenon, positive, simply because it exists, see social phenomena as a natural or spontaneous, never caused) Associate Professor, your professor does not understand the schematic. Will she understand the text of this document, reflecting the global stoicism imposed after the demise of the USSR? This package of art, information is difficult to understand for practitioners of 14 years, playing a game MUTATUM unprofessional called art, which tries to change the rules every time you play. Speaking
unidirectional training, professionalism and postmodernity, this month MUTATUM was presented in February 2010 as the innocent recipient ARCO to honor the memory of Clement Greenberg. Again, never before has it been so necessary the appearance of a "parallel world of art the officer. " Yes, I know, not the Reina Sofia, is purely commercial. Who cares, galleries, curators, collectors and other aromatic herbs, impose capitalist kitsch art. Hedonism, individualism, ... do you really have discovered something new postmodernists?, Do not you remember the 20's?
There is a current of postmodernism (ideological, philosophical) very important, within the party founded by Pablo Iglesias, half-hidden but not deny. Neither claim, simply do not mention his name, postmodernism. The leaders of the PSOE, who came into the party just before 82, before Felipe Gonzalez won the first elections (Law of precariousness and neutralization of trade unions), the kings of euphemism and political correctness, the "members and" the socialist party, "Are you or postmodern? speak ye not ashamed "members and members of the public with excellence." MUTATUM believed that solitary confinement pede not be avoided, misinformation and alienation, must be combated.
Was not James Gordon Brown, Zapatero's colleague, who kept as a solution to the financial crisis that the state buy shares of banks in difficulty? But little progressive!, The state can control 51% of these shares. From Downtown Underground of Modern Art (CAAM in Las Palmas), will send James Marx PSJM jeans.
Currently there is a direct relationship between economic and political power and the development permitted by the political commissars of art.
Never has been a very tight control of creation, never before has become so necessary to form a parallel world of art, parallel to the institutional and controlled world of art. Idea art remains a perfect weapon against isolation, misinformation and alignment of receivers, a perfect weapon against postmodern censorship.
MUTATUM stands as commissioner the presentation of his own work and introduces in this way, a "parallel world of art" versus "official world and Underground (subway in English) of art." Why not propose directly to the recipients? Why not go through existing toughest critics? MUTATUM critics have proposed the same training as curators and postmodern sociologist: one-way-productive, encyclopedic, non-dialectical and schematic. All (MUTATUM also somehow), followers of the ruling neo-classification of knowledge: Google's and doctoral graduates in Wikipedia. The majority (MUTATUM not), the neo-nomenklatura, Remember?, I give the system to obtain privileges. Curators and postmodern, fervent followers of the nomenclature and nomenklatura capitalism.
The four mechanisms that maintain the water at home, consuming energy for this purpose, capitalism at its purest. The information that is heated and cooled continuously by holding the average neutralizing misinformation, capitalism at its purest.
PD . 1 - It has always been said that Philip Gonzalez and Santiago Carrillo are or were agents of the CIA (as the Dalai Lama and Our Lady of Fatima), FBI photos Gaspar Llamazares has been a lure, in fact it is another agent of the CIA discovered by his colleagues.
The four mechanisms that maintain the water at home, consuming energy for this purpose, capitalism at its purest. The information that is heated and cooled continuously by holding the average neutralizing misinformation, capitalism at its purest.
PD . 1 - It has always been said that Philip Gonzalez and Santiago Carrillo are or were agents of the CIA (as the Dalai Lama and Our Lady of Fatima), FBI photos Gaspar Llamazares has been a lure, in fact it is another agent of the CIA discovered by his colleagues.
PD. 2 - In the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria lives Don Francisco Rubio Royo, former Rector of the University, who chairs the Association for Strategic Thinking Initiative, promoted by the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Proa 2020. Repeat until satiation strategy for 2020 and look for leaders juveniles. Does the "ruling class" of 2020?
PD. 3 - There is a group of entrepreneurs who bear canaries campaigns of all (of all) political parties do not challenge the system, although they have no representation. All (All) these parties met, defend the RIC, a law that only those entrepreneurs canaries pay 10% tax.
PD. 4 - There convened a demonstration on March 6, 2010 for the "decolonization and independence of the Canary Islands, Tenerife borne by some employers, in order to pressure the federal government (only handles 19% of the budget) and judges , now approaching trial of the alleged scam The Teresitas, in which some of them are allegedly involved. Employers canaries are "suspected" canaries workers settlers.
PD. 5 - In a democratic country? All companies are dictatorships. Free 16 h, 8h slaves. It is a militarized society (Army privatized) and a middle class dream of entering the officer corps, the "ruling class." The real elite are the kidnappers of wealth.
PD. 6 - The degree of understanding of art, new information is inversely proportional to the degree of satisfaction with their specialty productive receiver and the current account generated.
PD. 7 to 29 of February 2010, San Dositeo: We are also told that was not even attached to the tools that worked, and it suggests a degree of resignation last because possessiveness often entrench themselves in the guise of the need of the necessary equipment: a saint may cost you more to despise wealth.
PD. 3 - There is a group of entrepreneurs who bear canaries campaigns of all (of all) political parties do not challenge the system, although they have no representation. All (All) these parties met, defend the RIC, a law that only those entrepreneurs canaries pay 10% tax.
PD. 4 - There convened a demonstration on March 6, 2010 for the "decolonization and independence of the Canary Islands, Tenerife borne by some employers, in order to pressure the federal government (only handles 19% of the budget) and judges , now approaching trial of the alleged scam The Teresitas, in which some of them are allegedly involved. Employers canaries are "suspected" canaries workers settlers.
PD. 5 - In a democratic country? All companies are dictatorships. Free 16 h, 8h slaves. It is a militarized society (Army privatized) and a middle class dream of entering the officer corps, the "ruling class." The real elite are the kidnappers of wealth.
PD. 6 - The degree of understanding of art, new information is inversely proportional to the degree of satisfaction with their specialty productive receiver and the current account generated.
PD. 7 to 29 of February 2010, San Dositeo: We are also told that was not even attached to the tools that worked, and it suggests a degree of resignation last because possessiveness often entrench themselves in the guise of the need of the necessary equipment: a saint may cost you more to despise wealth.
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