Monday, December 13, 2010

Sudden Extreme Dizziness



From the Fall of the Berlin Wall began changes (quantitative) needed to reach the disappearance of the middle class economic north and the final enslavement of the precarious workers.
After a first path of initiation, MUTATUM suffered death and resurrection of himself, from the November 9, 1989 (Commencement gives the Unification of Germany) until May 13, 2005 (The Bundestag approves EU constitution and inaugurated their MUTATUM last exhibition of paintings). MUTATUM first birth.
- rejects the ritual and ceremony in the presentation of the work.
- rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bhedonism assumption that postmodernism wants to see in the consumerism of the middle class economic North, currently in the process of disappearing.
- sees clearly the isolation of the official art world, directed and distributed to public budgets.
labor reform (not only in Spain, all "First World"), covered on the crisis called, marked the definitive arrival of slavery, the qualitative change dreamed by the kidnappers, robbers of wealth.
The final acceleration of the process, the so-called crisis should be accompanied by widespread alienation and fear, the political representatives of the kidnappers are willing to manipulate the thinking and decisions of the sovereign people and suppress it, if necessary. With the so-called crisis in Spain, even the air is likely to be privatized and the army is at the service of the hijackers with minigolpes that enable the suppression of protests by the enslavement.
MUTATUM The second birth is set with the September 29, 2010, when the general strike in Spain.
- Art is cheap to make and broadcast, the show does not need expensive or the opinion of the political commissars of the art world, the system.

PD 1 - Employers canaries contribute only 10% of the taxes they should pay. "In order to create jobs?
In the Canary Islands by 30% unemployment.
In the rest of a 20% unemployment. Decidedly
ICN is the stock of entrepreneurs canaries.

PD 2 - Entrepreneurs canaries have a fund for the election campaigns of all political parties not to question the system or RIC. Or needed to handle a given situation.

Conceptual Art - THE BIRTH OF MUTATUM (72.59M) = xmlbnEKnQbQ

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Benignbladder Growths

Control and manipulation of information. General strike


1 - The Three Kings are parents.
2 - The PSOE is right.
3 - The group PRISA misinformation.
4 - Reina Sofia and the CAAM, for example, are "think tanks" (think tanks) of World Art Underground (subway in English) system.

MUTATUM long ago and M-20 have been maintaining the encyclopedic mind (not dialectics) and training unidirectional receivers and managers of the underground world of official art, is the key to explain the isolation and misinformation, misunderstanding of art.
In this current situation, which showed a so-called "liberals" justifying the sick system and widespread alienation, MUTATUM and M-20 want to include in this blog are two lists of principles of control and manipulation of information using the means of capitalism.

the 11 principles of Joseph Goebbels:

1-Principle of simplification and single enemy.
adopt a single idea, a single symbol; Identify the adversary on a single enemy.

2-Principle of the method of transmission. Gather
different adversaries in a single category or individual; The opponents have become very individualized.

3-Principle of transposition. Upload
on the opponent's mistakes or defects in response to the attack attack. If you can not deny the bad news, other than distracting invents "

4-Principle of exaggeration and distortion.
Convert any story, however small, in serious threat.

5-Principle of vulgarization.
All propaganda must be popular, adapting its level at least intelligent individuals to whom it is directed. The larger the mass to be convincing, the smaller must be the mental effort to perform. The carrying capacity of the masses is limited and insufficient understanding, and they have very easy to forget "

6-Principle of orchestration.
Propaganda should be limited to a small number of ideas and repeat endlessly, presented over and over again from different perspectives but always converging on the same concept. No cracks or doubt. " From this comes the famous sentence: "If a lie is repeated enough, eventually becomes truth"

7-Principle of renewal.
must constantly deliver new information and arguments at a rate such that when the adversary and answer the public is interested in something else. The responses of the opponent should never be able to counter the rising level of charges.

8-likelihood principle. Build
arguments from various sources, through the so-called balloons or fragmentary information. Principle 9-

silencing. Silencing
on issues which have arguments and not hide the news that favor the adversary, also counter-programs with the help of communication media. 10-Principle

transfusion. Generally
propaganda always works from a pre-existing substrate, either a national mythology or a complex of traditional prejudice and hate, it's about spreading arguments take root in primitive attitudes.

11-unanimity principle.
Getting to convince many people that think "as everybody," creating impression of unanimity.


1. The strategy of distraction
The key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is to divert public attention from important issues and changes determined by the political and economic elites, by the technique of flood or flood continuous distractions and trivial information. The strategy of distraction is also essential to keep the public interested in the essential knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bscience, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. "Maintaining public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated by issues of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think back to farm and other animals (quote text "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

2. Create problems and then solutions
This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution." It creates a problem, a "situation" provided to cause a reaction in the audience, so this is the principal of the actions you want to accept. For example: let it unfold or intensify urban violence, or arrange bloody attacks, so that the public is the applicant's security laws and policies to the detriment of freedom. Or: create an economic crisis to gain acceptance as a necessary evil retreat of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3. The strategy of gradual
To make it accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, in dribs and drabs, for consecutive years. That is how they radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberalism) were imposed during the 1980 and 1990: minimal state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, unemployment mass wages and do not guarantee a decent income, so many changes that have caused a revolution if they had been applied once.

4. The strategy of deferring
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary", gaining public acceptance at the time, for future application. It is easier to accept a future sacrifice a slaughter. First, because the effort is not used immediately. Then, because the public, mass, always has the tendency to expect naively that "it gets even better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This gives more time for the public to get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bchange and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5. Address the public as little child
Most advertising to the general public uses speech, argument, people and particularly children's intonation, often close to the weakness, as if the viewer were a little child or a mentally handicapped . The more you try searching deceive the viewer, the more it tends to adopt a tone infantilising. Why? "If one goes to a person as if she had the age of 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, it will tend, with some probably a response or reaction is also devoid of a critical sense as a person 12 years or younger of age (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

6. Using the emotional aspect much more than the reflection
Make use of the emotion is a classic technique to cause a short circuit on rational analysis, and finally to the critical sense of the individual. Moreover, the use of emotional register opens the door to the unconscious for implantation or grafting ideas, desires, fears and doubts, compulsions, or induce behaviors ...

7. Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity
Making the public is incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to control and enslavement. "The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the gap of ignorance it plans among the lower classes and upper classes are and remain unattainable for the lower classes (see "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars").

8. Encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity
Promote the public to believe the fact that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and uneducated ...

9. To strengthen self-blame
believe the individual who is only he to blame for their own misfortune, because of the failure of their intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts. So, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual autodesvalida and guilt, which creates a depression, one of whose effects is to inhibit its action. And, without action, there is no revolution.

10. Individuals know better than they themselves know
Over the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have generated a growing gap between public knowledge and those owned and used by the dominant elites. With biology, neurobiology and psychology applied, the "system" has enjoyed a sophisticated understanding of human beings, both physically and psychologically. The system has gotten better known to the common person than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and a great power over individuals, greater than that of individuals about themselves.

PD 1 - In the Canary Islands with 30% unemployment in the labor force, in theory an explosive situation, faded over the economy and social benefits. On December 1, 2010 Zapatero's government decided to end the program helps income for placement in February 2011. Is not STATUS ALARM first test referred to neutralize the impact of future cuts?
PD 2 - "Today, the public comes to be, quite simply, the Board of Directors that governs the collective interests of the bourgeois class."
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (The Communist Manifesto, 1848)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pregnancy Test Sliver Positive Line


Wednesday September 29, 2010

Because you read this sign, you are part, along with it, an art-information package called STRIKE. And


workers in this strike, defend the welfare of their families. And defend the welfare of the family of scabs.

MUTATUM went on strike visual aesthetic to reach a desired functional illiteracy in "beauty" from 2005. Saturated and about to vomit postmodern pastiche, copying the above, including S. vanguards XX, no ability to create a new visual language itself. The visual in the service of the hijackers of wealth, neutralization and removal of content, led by political commissars, "cultural workers" (?) Of neoliberalism and neoconservatism that lurks in the postmodern.
MUTATUM considered to be closer the world of work than the courtiers of the official world of art underground. The workers live on what they produce their work, what the kidnappers did not steal the wealth. The courtiers and the official world of underground art, living on public funds provided by the work of the dispossessed.

Likewise, workers considered to be closer to other workers of other nationality, geographically distant from the kidnappers that the wealth of their country, fellow thieves. The robbers, kidnappers have no country, kidnap and rob globally. MUTATUM DREAMING OF THE GREAT GLOBAL GENERAL STRIKE, which destroys the "bourgeois state GLOBAL."
The middle class in Northern Economic disappearance process of proletarianization (labor reform started 20 years ago), began to rebel against the system and its irrationality, has ceased to feel objective interest in holding it. Irrationality the system has caused the unification of the workers. The division of workers into categories, ensures the maintenance of capitalism, the middle class so-called First World, are actually strangers 2 nd or 3 rd generation, or 1 second, the generations that the hijackers were allowed to enter the well-being deposed to II World War (The encyclopedic mind of the curators say that the middle class economic northern fixed with two events: Bretton Woods Agreements 1944 and the fall of the Berlin Wall November 10, 1989). Hedonism-consumerism, that ill-defined and accepted the postmodern, gives way, after the process, the global stoicism imposed for the kidnappers of wealth and their political representatives (which promotes arts managers, political commissar of the system, public budgets give way to the art of postmodern neutral mediocrity and prevent the dissemination of critical, real, capitalism). Postmodernism is THE ART OF THE MIDDLE CLASS FIRST WORLD, IN THE PROCESS OF DISAPPEARANCE.
The artistes of postmodernism (in Spain, PSOE voters, party promoter of the Labor Reform September 2010), does not waive the condition of "progressive"?. The conservative postmodern artists, courtiers official art, the neutrals and those who are left to manage by the political commissars of capitalism are Esquirol in the renovation of the art world.
Assuming that the money existed, it was not a fiction (Money as Debt by Paul Grignon,
play with him and share the money of the ten hijackers among all human beings on the planet. The
kidnappers ten richest in the world according to Forbes are: William Gates III: USD $ 40 billion, Warren Buffett: USD $ 37 billion, Carlos Slim Helu: USD $ 35 billion, Lawrence Ellison U.S. $ 22.5 billion, Ingvar Kamprad, $ 22 billion, Karl Albrecht: USD $ 21.5 billion, Mukesh Ambani: USD $ 19.5 billion, Lakshmi Mittal: USD $ 19.3 billion, Theo Albrecht: USD $ 18.8 billion, Amancio Ortega: USD $ 18.3 billion. USD $ 254 billion in total (USD $ A split between 6,706,993,152
inhabitant of the earth, would play a USD $ 37,871. Nada, a peak for each human on earth. / 6706993152 = USD $ 37,871. Assuming that the money were real, they exist.
12.3 billion euros of the RIC / 2 million inhabitants of the Canary Islands = 6 150 Euros (only the money that employers do not pay canaries public finances). The figures continue to rise, assuming that the money was real, it existed.
Have not lost count of the wars the U.S. has promoted on behalf of the interests of their kidnappers and the kidnappers of the northern economy?, Well, this is not to stop them at the destination, it is to stop them feet in origin. Workers in the metropolis also know that their interests are the same objectives objective interests of workers in the Third World, the same.
MUTATUM be present General Strike on September 29 in Spain, not only for the rights of workers, in addition to stand outside a system so ill. Cree was Jiddu Krishnamurti MUTATUM stating that the disease itself, individually, was directly proportional to the degree of integration into a patient.
MUTATUM claims for mental health, intellectual, moral and physical:
- That before Zapatero labor reform, which is only legislation favorable to the interests of English captors and contrary interests of the dispossessed, to take sides MUTATUM staining because his work is not conceived as a luxury, culture of neutrals (Gabriel Celaya).
- Employers are aggressive pickets against the freedom to strike and threaten workers with dismissal and retaliation poor (Subject should be monitored by the police.)
- The scabs should know that the right to work is denied to 4,645,500 unemployed (20.09%). Your right to work, when their comrades are on strike, not a deception-revientahuelgas patterns. Workers in this strike, defend the welfare of their families. And defend the welfare of the family of scabs.
- When Jose Maria Aznar had a political or economic setback, he needed one of these media events to divert attention: Real Madrid won the European Cup or an ETA attack. When José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has a political or economic setback, needs one of these media events to divert attention: that the English team win the world cup or other ETA announces ceasefire (09/05/2010). Here too are very similar.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wooden Barrel Casks For Sale



MUTATUM workers, to record conversations with their "heads" of any level management, when they get bratty, aggressive, when they threaten you or force you to do something dangerous. And above all, when you threaten or retaliate, because you want to go to the general strike.
- We all have, or we have a mobile, always bring up at work.
- If you have banned carry over into the job, never mind, bring it on, quietly and without vibration (not take any risks).
- Have it ready to tax and put in place when your "boss" is addressed to you or a group of workers.
- Most of them are bullies and dictators in bad style, not abusing it will be difficult to burn you, stealing your money or dignity.
- retains these recordings as a treasure (in the same device in the computer, a CD or USB pen drive). If you have computer or do not know how to handle audio files in any cafe, you can download with the USB cable from any of the local mobile and can help.
- Keep it or take it directly to a union (the most important in Spain are CCOO, UGT and CGT, also Inter Canaria in the Canary Islands). Give date and place of verbal aggression or threat, the name of the aggressor and the company name of the aggressor.
- MUTATUM asks for a copy in mp3 or any other data format that you consider safe for you. To MUTATUM recording is the most important because it is a clear reflection of disease status and system degradation. Will be the key to a work of conceptual art that wants to represent the domain and sadism, the power exercised by the Northern ruling class economic.
This request will remain open indefinitely
PS: When you record what your boss says, gravel dominion over you. Record, gravel what does your boss.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sudden Sore Throat On One Side

Zapatero is a scab YouTube

Zapatero is a scab Foreword
action in September.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Realistic Fern Tattoo


6, 13 and 20 August
you missed!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seethru Underwear For Men

(Del lat . Exitus exit).
1. m. Happy result of a business, performance, etc.
2. m. Good acceptance to have someone or something.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Does Mammal Respirate Faster Than Reptile

My Samsung Tv Keeps Turning On And Off

Time for a new challenge

A José María Muscari you may question the adjectives "eccentric," "provocative" or "renovation", but not from "prolific." At 33 years, has more behind 40 works (among which starred, wrote and / or directed.)

With Piranhas will be his acting debut in a play-commercial. "Although to me as a director not associate me with the realistic theater really enjoy it. Will be rare for the public to see me in a show like this. Break the conceptual network of Muscari "he analyzes.

"I'm gone through the alternative, even when I do a commercial. But while Mamet's story does not have that seasoning alternative fascinated me from the text, "says the man who commands four fronts simultaneously. Directs the anatomist (on a text by Federico Andahazi) in Regina, wrote, directs and stars in Authentic (paradoxically in the same theater Piranhas, but "cap") and final details Feizbuk, Konex Cultural City, an ambitious work that will debut in July with seven teams that will rotate (every weekday). "I mix famous actors, legendary actors, actors muscled freaks transvestites actors" play.

"I like to join Papaleo and Roman because we are cast as dichotomous. All different. He is the experience. She emblem of the telenovelas. Brings it all together ", judge's mentor and slag pieces, Cash, bled in glamor and Oil.

"This theme of art and entertainment that is addressed in Piranha I do not think at the time of carrying out any of my works. When it comes time to create a product, let me go through what I do. I do what I feel. Forever. "

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Many Calories In A Bag Of Homestyle

tells you everything

AUTHENTIC VENI morning to see my love tell you, those of yesterday and today.

tell you all.

Me naked in body and soul. VENI


I give full name of men who passed through my life and my bed. VENI


I tell my morbid curiosity, my desire and my will.

Dale. VENI-

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Small Ear Gauges For Guys

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Can I Give Blood If I Take Lamisil

Photos by Griselda Seira

How Does Proline Football Work


The cast of Authentic: Héctor Bordoni, Mariela Asensio, José Mary Muscari, Rinaldi Emiliano and Diego Figueredo
Credit: Alfonso
Thursdays and Fridays at 23 on Comedy Theater, located at Rodríguez Peña 1062, develops a work under as few highly overwhelming, full of color and music and starring by six actors who bare their lives to the public, undertake and are so natural and believable that deserve to be highlighted by the fact of showing love, angry, sad, radiant beings. "Authentic" is the name of this ultra modern piece, directed and acted by José María Muscari .
Scenario becomes a dynamic and explosive grand experiment, where Mariela Asensio, Hector Bordoni, Diego Rinaldi, Emiliano Figueroa and Muscari own are integrated in such a way that shows your true friendship and responsibility to present their ideas to that the public not only entertain and enjoy a multifaceted performance, but also to think about topics like sexuality, minorities, politics, education, love, violence and art, a collection that the group knows merge seamlessly to achieve the authentic a true expression of fun and reasoning.
Actors constantly communicate with the public, challenge him and the people agree, at first timidly, but then with greater confidence. A background screen is the supplement that helps to impact through treatment of picture and sound, which is also sometimes seen as actors as if they were part of the public, and to some extent are. Mariela
endlessly defending women, a feminist and not shut up, burn him in the chest the trafficking and violence, her figure is stunning, like his presence. Hector is married to Mariela, is heterosexual and claims the idea that not all men are macho , proves it. Diego suffered for their appearance, cries and complains about all the couples who did suffering from hysterical until well endowed. Emiliano walking and dancing on platforms, defending minorities and shouts his sexuality, live fully. José María is as real as her friends, reflect on the theater , its partners and HIV . Six commitment makes them authentic, palpable.
Although they do not seek to innovate all the time, because there is nothing richer and more attractive than seeing a person speak openly showing their most private actions, which may even give a little embarrassed at the same time feel self reflected, and of course all expressing contradictory , bright and wonderful it is to be human.
Cast (Mariela Asensio, Hector Bordoni, Diego Rinaldi, Emiliano Figueroa and José María Muscari). Choreography (Karina Kogan). Audiovisual Production (Diego Casado Rubio). Costume Concept (Vessna Bebek). Newspapers and broadcast (Carolina Alfonso). Assistant director (Agustina Gutiérrez). Executive producer (Mariela Asensio). Script and direction (José María Muscari. The drama has the support of the actors)
Authentic Friday the 23
Teatro La Comedia
Rodríguez Peña 1062
(011) 4815-5665 / 4812-4228
Free entry, exit to cap

by Laura

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Running Shoes For Heavy Runners

Post New postal