Thursday December 13, 2007 in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Mass Art "?," Popular?, "Art Cult?," Only the art is accepted by the art world? To MUTATUM, these questions are a device that is held in egotism and classism of some and the simplicity of others. Selfish and simple mixed in the "cult" and "popular." He kept
MUTATUM a former professor of religion is not the only means to a "professor" or speak as such and despises and can not understand what he says a "win" is more worship the one who understands both, which has CHANGE OF REGISTRATION. Translated
art scene is no more worship the one who says ecstasy before a Roman fresco but that, dialectical thought, is the relationship of this with Goya and German Expressionism. The rapture is just a snob, in Castilian a silly ass. There is more cult which despises the world of kitsch, for good, because they taste officially established religion, the so-called "art world." Apex Art maintains that generally have more interest, learn more in a "bad show" that a "good."
There is no universal and timeless canon of beauty or what we consider art. That idea is not proper or the aesthetic or other branch of philosophy, belongs to the realm of theology. To MUTATUM art can only be understood as communication, as the power to get information to an unspecified number of receivers in an intense, sublimated in its realization. An initial idea conceived by the issuer operator which is transmitted by the way and the means it considers most effective apropiaos and arrives.
theorists argue that the beauty information (Not Art) is directly proportional to the internal order of the work and inversely proportional to the information is not absorbed by the receptors (B = O / I). According MUTATUM the internal order of the work does not respond to universal and eternal canon already mentioned but the inner sense emitter-creator of satiety and fullness, finish, avoid the need to remove or add anything to his work to reach receptor intensely, sublimated. There is no other way to lower the denominator of the ratio described unassimilated information, which not only with the dissemination of the work.
short: A work that meets the author and is widespread, it is beautiful.
When the work is broadcast and transmitted data is assimilated, the work is simplified, and it is not simple because it has few elements, but it is known. Comes with less intensity, is less of a sublimated form. The work has been burned in the crematorium of knowledge.
This knowledge comes to receivers at different times of assimilation, leading to different levels of aesthetic development (If you see a lot of handling much, if you see little assimilate little). "Cult?," Uncultured?: No, class. Those who dedicate their time to fight for a living do not understand the "high art" amateurs only understand it, only to spend time and burn before becoming kitsch that still others appreciate.
There is nothing new on the face of the earth, all the "new", was once treated and burned in an attempt to stay. Disguised as something else again and with another name, appellant again disguised as "ultimate." A new generation of receivers includes creating new, with a high degree of non treated, to burn. That building, with other forms, and to be contemplated, absorbed and was burned in another epoch, another generation of receivers that made him KITSCH (In Castilian, "tacky?, Bored?).
- The beauty there is definitely change.
- Simplicity defines kitsch, which is not definitive (For low knowledge or information presented).
- Kitsch becomes as beautiful as it is complex, due to ignorance.
- An artist is the creator of the appellant, the inventor of what already exists.
- Art is an act of communication that defines the message receiver.
We have a clear example of everything described in this context art laboratory called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with the great performance of hoisting the banner of Don José Manuel Soria. With a high internal order of the work and escenografita carefully prepared, to the satisfaction of its author. With widespread and therefore very low rate of non assimilated by the recipient.
In contrast, the last thing the Supreme Crematorium CAAM, featuring incorrupt arm of St. Paul Klee and The Way of St. Joseph Kosuth.
The Name of God, the Supreme COMMISSIONER. Holy Trinity
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