Friday, December 18, 2009
How To Turn The Sound On Catchphrase
June 24, 2008 in the laboratory of conceptual art called Madrid. The property generates
authority, the authority generates
misinformation, disinformation
reinforces the authority, the authority
reinforces the property.
The sender-information is circulating operator wants to intensively receptors. This information corresponds to reality. The correctness of the idea in response to reality depends only on the understanding and ability which we call an artist. It is understood that the transmitter-operator must change the initial idea to events and new data that the adjustment. The concept first and generator responds to the sender-creator seen as closer to the realidad.Y should establish an intelligent filter that prevents the arrival of information MUTATUM called subliminal conscious only supports creation is understood claramente.Si convenient for the authorities and owners, the artist must ask whether the original idea responds to subliminal information or information aware, if the information he gives answers to the reality you want to get intensely to the receivers. The conviction of issuing operator, is to live in doubt, in the ongoing review, for possible modifications to the message.
emitter-thinking operator should never be controlled by the authority.
emitter-thinking operator will never be a possession ofa owner.
MUTATUM placed on the windshields of cars parked on the streets of the Canary Islands a pamphlet that reflects the unreal information reaches recipients subliminally (Capitalization of local businesses, ultra-periphery, etc.). And denies the real information that does not reach the conscious of recipients (Article 31 of the constitution, redistribution of wealth). This information Out of place?, taxpayers Do you know the RIC Madrid?, "Confusion?," Surprise, "An unreal world?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Nipple Sucking By Husband
Thursday December 13, 2007 in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Mass Art "?," Popular?, "Art Cult?," Only the art is accepted by the art world? To MUTATUM, these questions are a device that is held in egotism and classism of some and the simplicity of others. Selfish and simple mixed in the "cult" and "popular." He kept
MUTATUM a former professor of religion is not the only means to a "professor" or speak as such and despises and can not understand what he says a "win" is more worship the one who understands both, which has CHANGE OF REGISTRATION. Translated
art scene is no more worship the one who says ecstasy before a Roman fresco but that, dialectical thought, is the relationship of this with Goya and German Expressionism. The rapture is just a snob, in Castilian a silly ass. There is more cult which despises the world of kitsch, for good, because they taste officially established religion, the so-called "art world." Apex Art maintains that generally have more interest, learn more in a "bad show" that a "good."
There is no universal and timeless canon of beauty or what we consider art. That idea is not proper or the aesthetic or other branch of philosophy, belongs to the realm of theology. To MUTATUM art can only be understood as communication, as the power to get information to an unspecified number of receivers in an intense, sublimated in its realization. An initial idea conceived by the issuer operator which is transmitted by the way and the means it considers most effective apropiaos and arrives.
theorists argue that the beauty information (Not Art) is directly proportional to the internal order of the work and inversely proportional to the information is not absorbed by the receptors (B = O / I). According MUTATUM the internal order of the work does not respond to universal and eternal canon already mentioned but the inner sense emitter-creator of satiety and fullness, finish, avoid the need to remove or add anything to his work to reach receptor intensely, sublimated. There is no other way to lower the denominator of the ratio described unassimilated information, which not only with the dissemination of the work.
short: A work that meets the author and is widespread, it is beautiful.
When the work is broadcast and transmitted data is assimilated, the work is simplified, and it is not simple because it has few elements, but it is known. Comes with less intensity, is less of a sublimated form. The work has been burned in the crematorium of knowledge.
This knowledge comes to receivers at different times of assimilation, leading to different levels of aesthetic development (If you see a lot of handling much, if you see little assimilate little). "Cult?," Uncultured?: No, class. Those who dedicate their time to fight for a living do not understand the "high art" amateurs only understand it, only to spend time and burn before becoming kitsch that still others appreciate.
There is nothing new on the face of the earth, all the "new", was once treated and burned in an attempt to stay. Disguised as something else again and with another name, appellant again disguised as "ultimate." A new generation of receivers includes creating new, with a high degree of non treated, to burn. That building, with other forms, and to be contemplated, absorbed and was burned in another epoch, another generation of receivers that made him KITSCH (In Castilian, "tacky?, Bored?).
- The beauty there is definitely change.
- Simplicity defines kitsch, which is not definitive (For low knowledge or information presented).
- Kitsch becomes as beautiful as it is complex, due to ignorance.
- An artist is the creator of the appellant, the inventor of what already exists.
- Art is an act of communication that defines the message receiver.
We have a clear example of everything described in this context art laboratory called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with the great performance of hoisting the banner of Don José Manuel Soria. With a high internal order of the work and escenografita carefully prepared, to the satisfaction of its author. With widespread and therefore very low rate of non assimilated by the recipient.
In contrast, the last thing the Supreme Crematorium CAAM, featuring incorrupt arm of St. Paul Klee and The Way of St. Joseph Kosuth.
The Name of God, the Supreme COMMISSIONER. Holy Trinity
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Exchange Of Vows Words In Spanish
This film has nothing to do with conceptual art, but contributes to the disappearance of the general alienation of modern society of misinformation. It is very important to make clear that there is a movie MUTATUM but shares its contents.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Women Beach Volleyball Camel Toe
February 16, 2009 in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
MUTATUM has placed a poster in the laboratory that referred to slavery. Some time ago, television news and newspapers described the situation of some women from Eastern Europe who were enslaved by the mafia that brought them to Spain. The money earned in prostitution was never enough to cover the cost of travel, were enslaved for life. English laws are designed to repeat the previous situation where anyone who wants to buy a home. If a English
can not pay the mortgage on his flat, loses ground and must continue to pay the bank loan, the loan served to afford the house that have been removed.
In Spain, the laws require to follow the path that You, shitty job, you go to unemployment because I are no longer profitable. For a while you may be entitled to collect unemployment, but after you become a defaulter. You can not repay the loan the bank gave you, in your house was paid. A judge who applies the relevant law, order that your home be auctioned and the proceeds paid to the bank (source of alienation and domination, the tamed and domestic you, the owner of your life). If the amount obtained in the auction does not reach the total of credit that the bank gave you the owner of your life, you must continue paying it, even if your house already has a new owner, the auctioneers.
To MUTATUM, depending on their level of personal values, ownership of movable and immovable property to ensure the security and privacy of individuals, provided it is lawful and must be guaranteed by states.
To MUTATUM, depending on their level of personal values, ownership of movable and immovable property that enable that exploitation, domination or alienation of people, it is always illegal and should be combated by the states (states and laws, instruments of class.)
PD 1: Banco de Santander has entered the RAI, black list of defaulters, may not return any of their investment funds. Some of its properties should be auctioned to repay those funds, and should continue to pay to cover the entire debt right?
PD 2: sociologists, philosophers, artists, theorists Postmodernism fail to understand why the owners of money and our lives want the proletarianization of the middle class first world his parish. Is very costly and will consuming anyway, are even more docile and profitable. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and disappeared a feasible alternative, hedonism in affluent societies had their days numbered. We imposed stoicism, dumb ass.
PD 3: Sons and mortgages, a source of openness, fear. Newspapers and religion, alienation sources.
PD 4: The world of art, better expressed, the Roman curia in the art world, the court and the courtesan postmodern grateful bellies snipe or subsidized by the curia, postmodernism ultimately must forgive this attempt MUTATUM clarity in the language of the text of the poster and completes it. Gives well be classified as simple, because it goes to that elite wants to receptors in general, those who ply the streets of the laboratory are the showroom which is situated his work (some hit two street signs , photograph them and send them to schools which "understand" what has actually been made an intervention in the urban environment. It is not that, stick posters on the streets in sufficient numbers to reach a large audience. No understanding is judged anyone and the fact the photos are sent to the media for more communication, if you ignore). The encryption of language is not a concept becomes more complex and clarity makes it simple, encryption language only serves the ego of those who speak of the work or self-employed, save the scribes of his own simplicity.
PD 5: Postmodernists are overwhelmed with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe new and unprofessional, they consider suicide because basically look like the ultimate, just as the historical vanguards. The vanguards were testing the first half of S. XX, as a pre-classical period of something that has not come or do not know. Art history must stop for the modern professional, postmodernists do not feel uncomfortable, so that their simplicity, its non-dialectical view of existence, immoral delivery system does not look overwhelmed by the surrounding reality. Before the emergence of the idea and the term postmodern, to prevent other elements of stillness, of finality, Eugenio D'Ors concluded: "In art, artistic creation, the apprentice is not a phony."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Picnik Best Friend Quotes
11/29/2008 October 12, 2008 in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. VENDO PISO
MUTATUM argues that the communication that takes place in what we call art-information, is the receiver that brings the message. The initial message sender operator, which comes with intensity at the receiver, it becomes a receiver-operator that provides a definite message.
MUTATUM initial messages, materialized on posters and placed in the laboratory, causing many message-response final message recipients motivated by the initial idea MUTATUM.
On this occasion, a receiver makes its own original idea and materialized with a marker above the poster art-information, using the existing vehicle.
This time becomes the final message of a receiver-operator in an initial message, and places it on the street to reach other receivers with intensity.
Endorses this message and considers his work, considers his work and has been conceived as such. Decide you do not even need anything to get plenty of other receivers with intensity (MUTATUM determined as the internal order of this paper).
is the receptor that brings the message, because the initial message provided by the transmitter operator, is always very complex. I remember someone raised, speaking of paint, the information package we call art-painting, in some cases was tantamount to a treaty of quantum mechanics in which no one said a word, nothing concrete to explain it. All you try to explain it was a contribution useless, the table spoke only with their own language and their internal order.
This approach provides not looking, another approach to a definition of art focused on the initial idea, the so-called conceptual art: complex message embodied in a package of art, information, sometimes written, appropriate vehicle (the chosen by the emitter-creator who provides individual internal order) to arrive at an unspecified number of receivers. Some of these receptors
devote time to the message embodied in the eyes of intuition and sensitivity and it is received with the same intensity as the issuer-creator felt his own thinking.
Others simply provide another message to work.
The communication is always complex, both the receiver and transmitter into play elements that prevent full tune, different visual education, training, prejudices, biases, interests, time spent, moral, distribution, encryption, mystery, clarity, etc.
Like chaos theory, different aspects of transmission and reception of information, different lines of communication are unpredictable and are deflected from their path by attractors of the two parties.
Communication in general is always complex but in art-information, this complexity is raised to the twentieth power and has nothing to see the complexity of communicating with the number of elements that shape the work.
sometimes works composed by a small number of elements, provide information very complex and very complicated work formally on information remain empty.
The degree of assimilation of the message recipients, their knowledge and resulting saturation is the key element to analyze the simplicity (Simplon, naive, gullible, etc..). The simplicity of the information is directly proportional to how well the same (Regardless of the simplicity of the birth of one of them, Roses are red, violets are blue, ...). That simplicity determined the arrival intensity to the receiver. There are simple things that are born and does not provide sufficient information, or provide a well-known and assimilated information that can not come with intensity, represents an attractor of the issuer.
The complexity lies with the intent of the issuer, give each work with a new internal order (Art is a game whose only rule is fixed in the imposition of new rules each time you play). In the visual arts
technical virtuosity and representation of reality as a single purpose or continuous repetition, are a clear example of formal complexity and simplicity in the information. From Kandinsky spiritual content, information materializes in a box and new formal contributions, determines its complexity and intensity arrival receivers give you time and intuition (Lack of time and intuition are an attractor of the receiver).
The poster's message receiver is clear: sell an apartment on Thompson Street, 47 (is real). MUTATUM senses that this is not an interpretation of the sign of the genes, a new message with genetic down, thought its author was not fertilized.
The author is a representative of the middle class from 1 World in a pure state, be deemed to have played the game of the rich, to speculate. He bought a house (That may be your 1 st house that has not finished pay, or the 2 nd,?), bought an instrument for living, need for privacy and security of people, for 30, with the intention of selling it at 40 and the system forces him to sell it to 20 or a10.
MUTATUM senses that you no longer want to sell it. Posters around Thompson Street on 13-10-2008 at 16h.
Call postmodern philosophy (postmodern ideology), whose central idea is the dependence of political power, information and culture, economic power (Affirmation accurate, economic power), resulting in the world of art in postmodernity . Where that postmodern philosophy is the ideology of the hijackers of wealth and class first half of the world (The eternal aspiring applicants, applicants ... the neonomenklatura) and its highest artistic expression of postmodernism.
Postmodernism is the art of the appellant, determined to regain everything that came with intensity and saturated the receivers of yore. It is eclectic in its pure state "neutrality" ideological, and the materialization of the thought of the ideologues of the system.
- funny examples of postmodern thought ideological irrationality:
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union demonstrated that capitalism is the only possible system, the only democratic, the only just.
This has always been the case and therefore will continue.
- Sample fun of the irrationality of postmodernity:
always created on demand and that creation was responding to the principles set by the power, should stay that way. PSJM
describes an evolutionary process of the artist's idea:
A - Artist genius. Been overcome.
B - Artist worker. Proudhon quoted, has been overcome.
C - Artist brand. In force: Modernism gave way to postmodernism, the production gives way to the consumer, the company leads to brand. The artist is an artist brand, which relates a new world of myth and genius.
Ultimately, the paths of sociology the artist is at the service of economic power. MUTATUM says
- Lola Flores was an artist and PSJM is very postmodern. A MUTATUM not attracted artists and the word is defined as an emitter-operator within the so-called art-information and play with intensity reached the maximum number of recipients, regardless of sociological ruminations destitute of postmodernity and the prevailing economic power.
- production leads to consumption in the developed world, because this production is transferred to the third world (82% of the population) who produce the wealth that is appropriated by the economic North. Accumulate wealth hijackers with money and dreaming of this middle class now selling flats complicated. Wealth that allows the use of trademarks. Wealth that allows scholarships and grants for the courtesy of postmodernity.
- Artist worker is a craftsman and artist repeats the same formula of success is an academic painter, professional and respect the internal order of the work as the education, training and knowledge-regulated, a salary or payment of a Is the rural work of the utopian dream of S. XIX? Art is intellectual work, ideas that only he directs, experimentation and discovery, the artist in the industrialization of a project does not intervene, he conceives and gives instructions. Marx Jeans, trademark, is neither a sham nor industrial, is a parody involuntary system. Marx pants are numbered and its price is high, not advertise the sale of your pants (How Drill? Industrial Arts?) Actually goes to the art world that is paid with public funds. The industrial art must conform to the rules of the industry: The author provides a project and not involved in the production, is iterative, the entire production is the same and different elements do not pass quality control, the price is marked by the production responds demand, is cheap and is not numbered. No question now enters the system, but seriously, is an art more democratic, more PRs would not depend on the art world, depend only acceptance of the receivers.
Context There is no left, right there, the differences are nuances, no one questions the system, which is final, just and free. Democrats and Republicans, the PSOE and PP, two shades of a single party. A postmodern claims to be progressive (PSJM) abolished ideological references, deny even our ideology, ideologies do not exist, only thinking has triumphed, the simplicity has triumphed. The final and perfect system swallows the rebels ideologies and imperfect, the art world engulfs all the oddities that challenge and can be marketed.
The original principle of logic that governs us says
What is, is.
What is not is not.
The principle of magical thinking of postmodernism says
What seems to be, is.
What does not seem to be, is not.
For postmodernism and postmodernity information is misinformation. With simple messages (Simplon) attractors are created to divert adequate information which demonstrate the system. The way training, specialized, and productive formal college education can not overcome previous docility and productivity, lack of time to assimilate incoming information is an attractor of the receivers. The abundance of unimportant information is an attractor the issuer.
The U.S. financial crisis and real estate in Spain, to bring out the system, and traditional information attractors disappear. Dictatorial and fascist drifts generated by the crisis of capitalism is a latent danger MUTATUM feasible and would recall that these drifts eliminated, including the possible postmodernism. Fear generated by these aberrations, not become another attractor of in training.
MUTATUM want to remember that:
82% of the world's population lives in the Northern Economic privileged. Chavez's idea of \u200b\u200bforming a common market in South America could be a first step to prevent global exploitation.
The real value of companies is 5-10% of their stock prices.
Capitalism is smoke, the art world and the values \u200b\u200bthat are awarded steam.
governing economic power to political power, information and rules governing the culture (Postmodernism ideological.)
The political power rules the world of art.