Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Pathophysiology Of Cellulitis
Today I put in front of the group to give our forces for the health of Gustavo. He
as part of my life, is part of this work. Cerati
dizziness and ringing in Aut é identical. Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Bumps From Stretching Labia
IQ of a guardian. 05/21/2010
in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The little film that put MUTATUM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82TE_vMQ8Ew , last April 10, 2010 (Freedom, Equality and Fraternity), on Youtube, but that is not preface of this work, will probably yield epilogue-foot little film. The Green Card, which MUTATUM place your own photo, only Internet advertising to work on the "Navel of the World." The animation is a montage of 133 frames of a moving eye, a gif image of a page of Chango (Santa Barbara) in Cuba (only lack the razor blade right?). In fact, the prologue is just the small final text, the rest of the film, the scenery. The tune is the Chanson pour l'Auvergne sung by Georges Brassens La Soiree des Enfoires L'opera. The group, according to MUTATUM, very French.
Since the commissioners were granted their mental clarity, never known before in art history, MUTATUM wonders what cerebral hemisphere predominantly governed his thinking. Left Hemisphere
: numerical ability, written language, reasoning, speech, scientific ability, his right hand. Right Hemisphere
: Insight, three-dimensional perception, artistry, imagination, musical, left.
What is the first thing is a guardian? Are the green arrows going right? o The yellow arrows that go to the left? According to some experts, this effect would be-a associated with the hemispheres of the brain. If you've seen first the arrows going clockwise, is to exercise more the left hemisphere and vice versa.
in the laboratory of conceptual art called Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The little film that put MUTATUM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82TE_vMQ8Ew , last April 10, 2010 (Freedom, Equality and Fraternity), on Youtube, but that is not preface of this work, will probably yield epilogue-foot little film. The Green Card, which MUTATUM place your own photo, only Internet advertising to work on the "Navel of the World." The animation is a montage of 133 frames of a moving eye, a gif image of a page of Chango (Santa Barbara) in Cuba (only lack the razor blade right?). In fact, the prologue is just the small final text, the rest of the film, the scenery. The tune is the Chanson pour l'Auvergne sung by Georges Brassens La Soiree des Enfoires L'opera. The group, according to MUTATUM, very French.
Since the commissioners were granted their mental clarity, never known before in art history, MUTATUM wonders what cerebral hemisphere predominantly governed his thinking. Left Hemisphere
: numerical ability, written language, reasoning, speech, scientific ability, his right hand. Right Hemisphere
: Insight, three-dimensional perception, artistry, imagination, musical, left.
What is the first thing is a guardian? Are the green arrows going right? o The yellow arrows that go to the left? According to some experts, this effect would be-a associated with the hemispheres of the brain. If you've seen first the arrows going clockwise, is to exercise more the left hemisphere and vice versa.

optical test-brain skills for conservators:
will look at this list of words and try to quickly say the COLOUR of each, not what is written.
will look at this list of words and try to quickly say the COLOUR of each, not what is written.

This is a conflict between the hemispheres of the brain. The right is trying to say the color, but the left insists on reading the word.

MUTATUM senses that rather than the dominance of one hemisphere, it is important to the IQ of the curators (one-way Formation productive schematic qualifying and non-dialectical). These political commissars, rather than a curriculum that reflects their training unidirectional productive should be required to report their IQ. Too many masters courses and private filling, to be considered necessary and the ability to choose the work that can be displayed or not.
"The project" is not an issuer project operator, is the project's curator (At the exhibition Freedom, Equality and Fraternity are 2 healers, the central figures and actors and 30 artists chosen by them.)
Present the work of artists chosen PowerPoint as they would in the marketing department of Colgate-Palmolive. The protagonists of the exhibition are Isabel Durán ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5m8oo6MIH8 and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FUj8KOT4wE&feature=related ) and Bernard Marcadé.
"The project" is not an issuer project operator, is the project's curator (At the exhibition Freedom, Equality and Fraternity are 2 healers, the central figures and actors and 30 artists chosen by them.)
Present the work of artists chosen PowerPoint as they would in the marketing department of Colgate-Palmolive. The protagonists of the exhibition are Isabel Durán ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5m8oo6MIH8 and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FUj8KOT4wE&feature=related ) and Bernard Marcadé.
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In the CAAM in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
I expected some time this exhibition, representing the current state of the art world. No critical post (questionnaire to the curators), only a priori political commissars.
Citizen Robespierre, I do know from the CAAM that since the fall of the Berlin Wall, has finally won the French Revolution. Viva capitalism triumphant! Postmodernity Viva! Combinatorial
Freedom Freedom-Equality-Fraternity
Equality, Fraternity-Pilates Yogi After civil service, the cerebral hemispheres of the curator are a potato verify trendy. Brutalized by self-sufficiency and career traveling, no time to think. Artists
travelers without time to devote to his work and think about it. Not abundant and not as elaborate as they presumed, with no time left for them. Both artists and curators travelers have a real positive quality, is the tomb of postmodernism in the arts. The time
communication and information, what do you travel so much?: To cook potatoes for travelers curators and artists of their choice, travelers also.
Where are the art critics? In the newspapers handle the work of informers valid for football or the courts, it simply repeats the press releases of centers, galleries and curators who naturally do not criticize the work of their choice. In this business, too many critics are uncomfortable for the official world of art and the system.
eye watching from the dark, without the prior opinion is critical.
The theme chosen by the curators and rationality of his approach: freedom, equality and fraternity, that some "Cultural Manager? (Political commissar), a tacky with excellence, he has named LIF. Independence War from 1810 to 2010. And the French Revolution of 1789. CAAM
Before the Community of the Canary Islands (from April 9 to May 30, 2010), passed through the exhibition hall in Alcalá 31 Madrid (From 7 October to 22 November 2009) and the Huarte Contemporary Art Center in Navarre (from December 2, 2009 until March 7, 2010). Opening
child for children between 4 and 14 years in the CAAM: April 16 at 18.00 (your best customers, if not the only, very useful to give figures visits). CAAM breasts in clothes hanging there.
Since the exhibition has a very important ideological content, let us analyze the rag and ideology in navigating the curators who chose the theme and the exhibits and the artists who created them.
I'm not sure why, but when I talk to someone from the Socialist Party, I have the feeling of talking to Robespierre, citizen, citizenship ... It seems that we are citizens released from an absolute monarch and have ceased to be subjects. Do not seem to be to present these concepts 220 years ago. Update these concepts, just to the dictionary:
Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe:
Citizen, Citizen
Adj. Of the city or on it: city tax.
Adj. and s. Natural or neighbor of a city or geographic location: It's called himself a world citizen.
m. and f. Person living in a State as a subject of civil and political rights: all citizens are equal before the law.
Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe:
subordinate, underling
Adj. Subject to the authority of a superior. S. Also, has secured the obedience of his subjects.
m. and f. Natural or citizen of a country as subject to the political authorities of this: the Mexican nationals, English.
Now we quote the English constitution of 1978: PRELIMINARY TITLE
Article 1 Sovereignty resides in the village 2. National sovereignty belongs to the English people, the bedrock of state powers.
MUTATUM definitely seems to present the term set and sovereign people.
In short, the dictionary can be a national and at the same time subject to Parliamentary Monarchy ("Sovereign?), The hereditary head of state exists because the English sovereign people let him in the referendum of the Constitution of 78. That people Sovereign is sole sovereign capacity to transform the hereditary head of state head of state elections. Naturally without having to plow anyone.
Division of powers: legislative, executive and judicial (LEJ as a "cultural transmission"). These powers emanate from the sovereign people, all under the constitution, including the judiciary, although judges are not elected by the sovereign people (¿?). In the navel of the world, the Great Babylon, the judges, in addition to being elected, comply wings of a jury decision.
In the U.S. case law is the law, well, are elected right? In Spain, the legislature has the exclusive judges, not elected, and apply those laws. Are judges appointed in competitions, I really only law officers applicators. "They interpret the law?, Do not clear the English laws?, Is there a law that says one thing and the opposite of time?," Quantum Physics?, "There are judges better prepared or smarter than others," interpretation?, I dunno, I do not know. In fact the judges are nationals of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the Sovereign People. The Constitutional Court interprets, enforces the constitution. The laws that supplement the supreme law, which was approved by the sovereign people can not contradict, only complement it.
For example is there application, interpretation or contradiction? the law passed by the legislature of the Canary Islands, called RIC why canaries employers pay only 10% of their fair share of taxes paid, according to the regional legislature to promote the capitalization of the local businesses (Of course, to have more money, novelty and depth). Here we quote Article 31 of the Constitution: Taxation
1 - All contribute to sustain public expenditure according to their economic capacity through a fair tax system based on the principles of equality and progressive in any case, you will reach confiscatory. With
Alcala 31, Centro Huarte, CAAM and curators number for reminding the French Constitution of 1791 and the 1978 English, and make us realize that the RIC is not constitutional.
Healers outside the judiciary or elected, or approved a competition, nor are they productive unidirectional knows his specialty, as we have seen are school teachers in a class explaining your PowerPoint in the marketing department of Colgate-Palmolive. They glorify the "art" kitsch of capitalism and are in contradiction with article 20 of the Constitution of 79.
1. Are recognized and protected rights:
a) To express and freely disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, writing or any other means of reproduction.
b) In the production of literary, artistic, scientific and technical.
c) academic freedom.
d) To communicate or receive freely truthful information by any media. The law shall regulate the right to the clause of conscience and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms.
2. The exercise of these rights can not be restricted by any form of censorship.
3. The law shall regulate the organization and parliamentary control of the media controlled by the State or any agency and ensure public access to the means of the significant social and political groups, respecting the pluralism of society and the various languages \u200b\u200bof Spain
4. These freedoms are limited by respect for the rights recognized in this Part, the provisions of the laws that develop and, especially, the right to honor, privacy, self-image and the protection of youth and children.
5. You can only remember the seizure of publications, recordings and other media in a court order.
short, in that revolution of 1789, new wealth hijackers granted some freedoms and rights to the majority of the dispossessed, in return for the previous eliminate hijackers (they alone, new secuestradote, could not). Direct democracy and a greater ability to directly manage the dispossessed wealth would have taken too much power to the new dictators.
Most who come to give the dispossessed, with the power they have planned in your hand and then design a ticket, with a pyramid in them, is the right to elect a new dictator every 4 or 5 years. For example, in Spain after 78, the quadrennial legislators legitimizing dictators dictator quadrennial executive and legitimate laws, hold their seats property, regardless of what promised to legislate to the sovereign people who elected them, even legislating the opposite of what was promised, passing legislation contrary to the political group to group that was chosen. MUTATUM
maintains ownership is legitimate only to the law, as we have seen, of deceptive legitimacy. The moral legitimacy of property, regardless of the legislation that establishes, based on security, privacy and well-being that does not legitimize that provides power over each other, as conceived by American and French revolutions.
Encyclopedism: In the eighteenth century., Classification of knowledge ever known, reflects the thinking which is embodied in the Revolution. It seems that in the eighteenth century. was necessary and fruitful.
Encyclopedism, spirit and philosophy rooted in society of the XX and XXI centuries, with special seating in the "art world", the source of isolation and prejudice in both (MUTATUM insisted on one-way training of communicators, as unique, or main source of isolation, to meet the artist and historian Liliana Londoño that opened his eyes in this regard, M-20). In the art world everything is classified and recorded in history, all compartmentalized and classified, immovable in more or less long periods, temporarily classified: The German Expressionism arose in the first half of the twentieth century and is set for encyclopedic history, nothing in common with Goya painting of the Romanesque. A dialectical view of art, there complicate the charge of recording the history and complicate the existence of those responsible for interpreting the complicated dialectic into existence Encyclopedists century ("Abstract geometric or Kenneth Noland with the mosaics of the Alhambra Grenada?). The neoacademicismo, the consecration of the rules, call postmodernism, everything is done and rated in his mental encyclopedia, something new would force them to reclassify the existing art: The reclassification would be suicide, "Give up what is known and classified for something new?, Do I stand by without reference to the old?, A suicide!, Do not say that? For these neoteóricos
system is all "post" posdialéctica, post-materialism, "posenciclopedismo? The dilectita poses a permanent reorganization takes you out of simplicity, save your life as an issuer, as an artist, postmodernism is the stillness, isolation and death, dutifully repeated learning, the brutalization in creation. Miño, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir ... citizenship, excellence, LIF, ... Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel, ...
I expected some time this exhibition, representing the current state of the art world. No critical post (questionnaire to the curators), only a priori political commissars.
Citizen Robespierre, I do know from the CAAM that since the fall of the Berlin Wall, has finally won the French Revolution. Viva capitalism triumphant! Postmodernity Viva! Combinatorial
Freedom Freedom-Equality-Fraternity
Equality, Fraternity-Pilates Yogi After civil service, the cerebral hemispheres of the curator are a potato verify trendy. Brutalized by self-sufficiency and career traveling, no time to think. Artists
travelers without time to devote to his work and think about it. Not abundant and not as elaborate as they presumed, with no time left for them. Both artists and curators travelers have a real positive quality, is the tomb of postmodernism in the arts. The time
communication and information, what do you travel so much?: To cook potatoes for travelers curators and artists of their choice, travelers also.
Where are the art critics? In the newspapers handle the work of informers valid for football or the courts, it simply repeats the press releases of centers, galleries and curators who naturally do not criticize the work of their choice. In this business, too many critics are uncomfortable for the official world of art and the system.
eye watching from the dark, without the prior opinion is critical.
The theme chosen by the curators and rationality of his approach: freedom, equality and fraternity, that some "Cultural Manager? (Political commissar), a tacky with excellence, he has named LIF. Independence War from 1810 to 2010. And the French Revolution of 1789. CAAM
Before the Community of the Canary Islands (from April 9 to May 30, 2010), passed through the exhibition hall in Alcalá 31 Madrid (From 7 October to 22 November 2009) and the Huarte Contemporary Art Center in Navarre (from December 2, 2009 until March 7, 2010). Opening
child for children between 4 and 14 years in the CAAM: April 16 at 18.00 (your best customers, if not the only, very useful to give figures visits). CAAM breasts in clothes hanging there.
Since the exhibition has a very important ideological content, let us analyze the rag and ideology in navigating the curators who chose the theme and the exhibits and the artists who created them.
I'm not sure why, but when I talk to someone from the Socialist Party, I have the feeling of talking to Robespierre, citizen, citizenship ... It seems that we are citizens released from an absolute monarch and have ceased to be subjects. Do not seem to be to present these concepts 220 years ago. Update these concepts, just to the dictionary:
Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe:
Citizen, Citizen
Adj. Of the city or on it: city tax.
Adj. and s. Natural or neighbor of a city or geographic location: It's called himself a world citizen.
m. and f. Person living in a State as a subject of civil and political rights: all citizens are equal before the law.
Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe:
subordinate, underling
Adj. Subject to the authority of a superior. S. Also, has secured the obedience of his subjects.
m. and f. Natural or citizen of a country as subject to the political authorities of this: the Mexican nationals, English.
Now we quote the English constitution of 1978: PRELIMINARY TITLE
Article 1 Sovereignty resides in the village 2. National sovereignty belongs to the English people, the bedrock of state powers.
MUTATUM definitely seems to present the term set and sovereign people.
In short, the dictionary can be a national and at the same time subject to Parliamentary Monarchy ("Sovereign?), The hereditary head of state exists because the English sovereign people let him in the referendum of the Constitution of 78. That people Sovereign is sole sovereign capacity to transform the hereditary head of state head of state elections. Naturally without having to plow anyone.
Division of powers: legislative, executive and judicial (LEJ as a "cultural transmission"). These powers emanate from the sovereign people, all under the constitution, including the judiciary, although judges are not elected by the sovereign people (¿?). In the navel of the world, the Great Babylon, the judges, in addition to being elected, comply wings of a jury decision.
In the U.S. case law is the law, well, are elected right? In Spain, the legislature has the exclusive judges, not elected, and apply those laws. Are judges appointed in competitions, I really only law officers applicators. "They interpret the law?, Do not clear the English laws?, Is there a law that says one thing and the opposite of time?," Quantum Physics?, "There are judges better prepared or smarter than others," interpretation?, I dunno, I do not know. In fact the judges are nationals of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the Sovereign People. The Constitutional Court interprets, enforces the constitution. The laws that supplement the supreme law, which was approved by the sovereign people can not contradict, only complement it.
For example is there application, interpretation or contradiction? the law passed by the legislature of the Canary Islands, called RIC why canaries employers pay only 10% of their fair share of taxes paid, according to the regional legislature to promote the capitalization of the local businesses (Of course, to have more money, novelty and depth). Here we quote Article 31 of the Constitution: Taxation
1 - All contribute to sustain public expenditure according to their economic capacity through a fair tax system based on the principles of equality and progressive in any case, you will reach confiscatory. With
Alcala 31, Centro Huarte, CAAM and curators number for reminding the French Constitution of 1791 and the 1978 English, and make us realize that the RIC is not constitutional.
Healers outside the judiciary or elected, or approved a competition, nor are they productive unidirectional knows his specialty, as we have seen are school teachers in a class explaining your PowerPoint in the marketing department of Colgate-Palmolive. They glorify the "art" kitsch of capitalism and are in contradiction with article 20 of the Constitution of 79.
1. Are recognized and protected rights:
a) To express and freely disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, writing or any other means of reproduction.
b) In the production of literary, artistic, scientific and technical.
c) academic freedom.
d) To communicate or receive freely truthful information by any media. The law shall regulate the right to the clause of conscience and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms.
2. The exercise of these rights can not be restricted by any form of censorship.
3. The law shall regulate the organization and parliamentary control of the media controlled by the State or any agency and ensure public access to the means of the significant social and political groups, respecting the pluralism of society and the various languages \u200b\u200bof Spain
4. These freedoms are limited by respect for the rights recognized in this Part, the provisions of the laws that develop and, especially, the right to honor, privacy, self-image and the protection of youth and children.
5. You can only remember the seizure of publications, recordings and other media in a court order.
short, in that revolution of 1789, new wealth hijackers granted some freedoms and rights to the majority of the dispossessed, in return for the previous eliminate hijackers (they alone, new secuestradote, could not). Direct democracy and a greater ability to directly manage the dispossessed wealth would have taken too much power to the new dictators.
Most who come to give the dispossessed, with the power they have planned in your hand and then design a ticket, with a pyramid in them, is the right to elect a new dictator every 4 or 5 years. For example, in Spain after 78, the quadrennial legislators legitimizing dictators dictator quadrennial executive and legitimate laws, hold their seats property, regardless of what promised to legislate to the sovereign people who elected them, even legislating the opposite of what was promised, passing legislation contrary to the political group to group that was chosen. MUTATUM
maintains ownership is legitimate only to the law, as we have seen, of deceptive legitimacy. The moral legitimacy of property, regardless of the legislation that establishes, based on security, privacy and well-being that does not legitimize that provides power over each other, as conceived by American and French revolutions.
Encyclopedism: In the eighteenth century., Classification of knowledge ever known, reflects the thinking which is embodied in the Revolution. It seems that in the eighteenth century. was necessary and fruitful.
Encyclopedism, spirit and philosophy rooted in society of the XX and XXI centuries, with special seating in the "art world", the source of isolation and prejudice in both (MUTATUM insisted on one-way training of communicators, as unique, or main source of isolation, to meet the artist and historian Liliana Londoño that opened his eyes in this regard, M-20). In the art world everything is classified and recorded in history, all compartmentalized and classified, immovable in more or less long periods, temporarily classified: The German Expressionism arose in the first half of the twentieth century and is set for encyclopedic history, nothing in common with Goya painting of the Romanesque. A dialectical view of art, there complicate the charge of recording the history and complicate the existence of those responsible for interpreting the complicated dialectic into existence Encyclopedists century ("Abstract geometric or Kenneth Noland with the mosaics of the Alhambra Grenada?). The neoacademicismo, the consecration of the rules, call postmodernism, everything is done and rated in his mental encyclopedia, something new would force them to reclassify the existing art: The reclassification would be suicide, "Give up what is known and classified for something new?, Do I stand by without reference to the old?, A suicide!, Do not say that? For these neoteóricos
system is all "post" posdialéctica, post-materialism, "posenciclopedismo? The dilectita poses a permanent reorganization takes you out of simplicity, save your life as an issuer, as an artist, postmodernism is the stillness, isolation and death, dutifully repeated learning, the brutalization in creation. Miño, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir ... citizenship, excellence, LIF, ... Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel, ...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Brown Ring Around Mouth
without imposition
UNION Camaraderie
is an infinite number of people congratulated me and Thanked AND THAT ONLY GIVES ME PLEASURE
Period Late Soft Cervix

love doing AUTHENTIC , love me, energizes me, I like, I drink.
I do well.
This season I am fully enjoying every function, every moment, every dinner, something will unlock, accommodation, got better, and I would do well.
We went to all, the public comes to people like the work, have fun, get excited, come on, adds to that energy.
is a work that marks me from many places, which has a label that suits me, that I have, which I use.
A record that works for me, it makes me look and enjoy.
AUTHENTIC believe in I believe in my friends AUTHENTIC.
This a great season of pure enjoyment of LOVE.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Miniatures Painting Shear Material
just a taste.
Within hours I'm way to the theater, I make my purse, I keep a pair of CDs, my work with all feet mariela explained by the presence of Rocco and his strange conversation, also took a couple of cables that are to serve, but take from me if anyone maniac request, and two remote control, and with everything ready, I put the headphones and the subway ....
There are things in life that move me and one of those is to theater and beyond that work with good people, which each day that passes I feel more close, more friends, more intimate ... Join Authentic from a place I'm not used also makes me happy, I confess that if ... I have 1 hour of pure stress ... I've always had a terror of the technique by the same do not usually do, when I called to ask if he agreed to hector, doubt ... I gave thousands of explanations, but in 2 minutes was accepted to be part of this project, this group ...
AUTHENTIC, I generated things, makes me want to be there .. from where I got to be ... from my place to enjoy that scenario becomes a parade of friends, thoughts, things, of bells and whistles, of speeches, Korea, affection, devotion ...
I like starting my Friday night ...
Felipe Rivera Valencia.
Within hours I'm way to the theater, I make my purse, I keep a pair of CDs, my work with all feet mariela explained by the presence of Rocco and his strange conversation, also took a couple of cables that are to serve, but take from me if anyone maniac request, and two remote control, and with everything ready, I put the headphones and the subway ....
There are things in life that move me and one of those is to theater and beyond that work with good people, which each day that passes I feel more close, more friends, more intimate ... Join Authentic from a place I'm not used also makes me happy, I confess that if ... I have 1 hour of pure stress ... I've always had a terror of the technique by the same do not usually do, when I called to ask if he agreed to hector, doubt ... I gave thousands of explanations, but in 2 minutes was accepted to be part of this project, this group ...
AUTHENTIC, I generated things, makes me want to be there .. from where I got to be ... from my place to enjoy that scenario becomes a parade of friends, thoughts, things, of bells and whistles, of speeches, Korea, affection, devotion ...
I like starting my Friday night ...
Felipe Rivera Valencia.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
03 Gmc Yukon Check Engine Light On
things from day to day ... GENUINE ART
AUTHENTIC going to stay in our family history.
My son acted up to 7 months of gestation in me. Bobbed to the beat of reggaeton.
am part of my passionate and personal speech. Today you sleep with the song "Stand by me", because when the song is recognized as its own.
Now, I prepare my pair of boobs, I take my milk to be left in the fridge, the food before leaving for the time he's satisfied that stays with her grandmother.
hugged him and explained that a while back, I'm going to work, that the work is the same as the stars, I say that this quiet, that at the end the work running home to hug him and feed him again. AUTHENTIC
is the work of which you speak when everyone is bigger, because it is recorded hisroria a portion of our staff.
authenticity so simple.
My son acted up to 7 months of gestation in me. Bobbed to the beat of reggaeton.
am part of my passionate and personal speech. Today you sleep with the song "Stand by me", because when the song is recognized as its own.
Now, I prepare my pair of boobs, I take my milk to be left in the fridge, the food before leaving for the time he's satisfied that stays with her grandmother.
hugged him and explained that a while back, I'm going to work, that the work is the same as the stars, I say that this quiet, that at the end the work running home to hug him and feed him again. AUTHENTIC
is the work of which you speak when everyone is bigger, because it is recorded hisroria a portion of our staff.
authenticity so simple.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Is Goodrogers Protection?

know that "authentic" is an art show in the halls?
are 11 street signs operated on with permanent markers and sequins are conceptual
all speak of the exploitation, sex, condom ....
I was about to go to jail, because for sustraje performed by various street signs cut for repairs in my neighborhood ...
Drawings hold near the end of the work are also of self-realization!
I always liked the plastic, to study many years but I was too rebellious to copy vases, I always liked the markers, graffiti and comic ... GENUINE reunited me with this passion that has accompanied me 2 years when I sat in the seat with paper and pencil and scribbling spent the whole day today I show my drawings to "GENUINE" Veni
veils! come here to see it!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Miniatures Painting Shear Fabric
How Does Tin Affect Living Things
Be Authentic. Choreography
In these times where it is so hard to be authentic.
where prejudices are to the surface (though otherwise stated). Where
feels that in order to please the other is to resort to the use of artimanias and gadgets, ignoring the truth of each.
In these times, there is a place of authenticity.
to be who you really are.
And fight for it until the end.
All in pursuit of that objective.
I'm glad to be part of that struggle.
I'm glad to be part of Authentic.
Ignacio Javier Olguin.
In these times where it is so hard to be authentic.
where prejudices are to the surface (though otherwise stated). Where
feels that in order to please the other is to resort to the use of artimanias and gadgets, ignoring the truth of each.
In these times, there is a place of authenticity.
to be who you really are.
And fight for it until the end.
All in pursuit of that objective.
I'm glad to be part of that struggle.
I'm glad to be part of Authentic.
Ignacio Javier Olguin.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dune Buggy Radiocomandato
Al Capone acquis de Canarias - RIC
New Canary Canary Coalition and go spreading the idea that REF, REA, and RIC are acquis de Canarias. The ICN is an unconstitutional law for employers to canaries only pay 10% of its taxes.
The fauna is very representative sample, despite its provincialism is universal, is repeated elsewhere in the world.
Wildlife shown in the Canary Islands is well known, well known. They had a breakfast conference organized by Canarias 7 at its headquarters sponsored by JSP, gathered early on Monday 26 April in Sebadales a large group of people who wanted to hear, live and direct, he had to say, only if elected José Miguel Pérez, President of Cabildo, the PSOE. Attended, among others, Jerónimo Saavedra, Carolina Darias, Román Rodríguez, Nardy Barrios, with employers Germain Suárez, Eustathius Lopez, Rafael González Bravo de Laguna, Angel Ferrera, Grisaleña or Augustine Sebastian Manrique de Lara, among many attendees.
These and other employers bear the election campaigns of all political parties do not dispute that and defend the RIC.Si Al Capone had lived in the Canary Islands would never have entered into Alcatraz. You know, Eliot Ness arrested for tax evasion, this would have been without the RIC.
The fauna is very representative sample, despite its provincialism is universal, is repeated elsewhere in the world.
Wildlife shown in the Canary Islands is well known, well known. They had a breakfast conference organized by Canarias 7 at its headquarters sponsored by JSP, gathered early on Monday 26 April in Sebadales a large group of people who wanted to hear, live and direct, he had to say, only if elected José Miguel Pérez, President of Cabildo, the PSOE. Attended, among others, Jerónimo Saavedra, Carolina Darias, Román Rodríguez, Nardy Barrios, with employers Germain Suárez, Eustathius Lopez, Rafael González Bravo de Laguna, Angel Ferrera, Grisaleña or Augustine Sebastian Manrique de Lara, among many attendees.
These and other employers bear the election campaigns of all political parties do not dispute that and defend the RIC.Si Al Capone had lived in the Canary Islands would never have entered into Alcatraz. You know, Eliot Ness arrested for tax evasion, this would have been without the RIC.
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